Chad Giron is a communications professional and freelance writer living in Washington, DC. He thinks Michael Keaton was robbed of an Academy Award. Not for Birdman, but for Johnny Dangerously. Follow him on Twitter at @chadgiron.

Chad Giron

Chad Giron

Articles (1)

28 things you'll realize after living in DC for some time

28 things you'll realize after living in DC for some time

Turns out it’s not just like The West Wing/House of Cards/Scandal. Yes, there will be monuments. Yes, you may see the President. No, Arlington is not just like DC. Here's what else you’ll quickly come to realize. 1. You haven’t visited a museum since you moved here. And they’re free.  2. The minimum price for a beer is $6. Weirdly, if it’s a local beer, it’s $9.3. Nobody wants your company’s free Wizards tickets. Nickelodeon/via Giphy4. You will not find street parking near E Street Cinema. You think you will. You did that one time. You won’t. Just park in the garage. You don’t want to be late for your movie.5. It’s worth it to fly out of National airport. It’s. Worth. It.6. If you have friends in Bethesda, they will not go to Arlington. If you have friends in Arlington, they will not go to Bethesda.7. You shouldn’t have sold your car. HBO/via Giphy8. DC Prom IS the White House Correspondents Dinner.9. You will take everybody who visits on the same tour around the monuments. It will last about three hours. Then you will have no idea where else to take them for the rest of the day. 10. You don’t even know who your home town Congressman is, even though you might’ve just had a beer with him at Cap Lounge. 11. You are probably not the smartest person in the room. But you are definitely not the dorkiest person in the room. via Giphy 12. Every new restaurant on 14th Street actually looks and tastes the same. 13. Calling the people who hang out on H Street “hipsters” is like calling