Articles (16)
Quentin Tarantino chats it up about his new talky Western The Hateful Eight
In case you didn’t know, Quentin Tarantino is a movie lover and talker. While holding court in a swanky Beverly Hills, California, hotel, the 52-year-old filmmaker speaks at a quick-fire clip about his latest, The Hateful Eight, a Western set in post–Civil War Wyoming where a snowstorm traps a random group of people (played by the likes of Kurt Russell, Samuel L. Jackson, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Tim Roth) under one roof. Politics are challenged. Racial prejudices flare. And there will be—this being a Tarantino movie—blood. When a draft script leaked early in 2014, a furious Tarantino threatened to pull the plug on the project—only to host a staged reading of the screenplay in Los Angeles months later. Now his layered take on race in America is hitting the big screen, and the subject is more timely than ever. The Hateful Eight is subtle (by Tarantino standards, although a guy’s head gets blown off in close-up), brooding and mature. An epic of sorts weighing in at three-plus hours—with an actual intermission and shot on 70-millimeter film—it is old-school filmmaking of the highest order. The video-store-clerk-made-good has been bringing us the best movies for more than 20 years. He always vowed he’d call it a day at 10 films. The Hateful Eight is, coincidentally, number eight. The big question is, when a man loves cinema this much, how can he stop? He has a lot to say about that. The Hateful Eight takes place just after the Civil War, but it explores a very topical theme: raci
Entrevista con Ryan Gosling
Ryan Gosling es encantador, en el sentido en que las personas realmente son encantadoras. Tiene una sonrisa fuerte y cómplice. Escucha con cuidado y piensa mucho sus respuestas, como si no hubiera contestado antes a la misma pregunta miles de veces. Como si los dos –tú y él– fueran viejos amigos poniéndose al día y no dos extraños sentados en un hotel de Los Angeles, rodeados de publirelacionistas. Así es la magia de Gosling –ser devastadoramente guapo pero a la vez es un chico sensible, con firmes apretones de manos y una sonrisa astuta–. También ayuda el hecho de que es tremendamente talentoso, un niño actor que lo ha hecho bien, un chico de Nowheresville, Canadá, quien de alguna manera escaló la pared para llegar a Hollywood. Luego de amenazar con retirarse de la actuación (y después de su pobre debut como director, Lost River), Gosling regresa con una venganza. Será un pianista de jazz en el próximo musical La la land, y un rockero Indie en la siguiente cinta de Terrence Malick, Weightless. Antes de eso, es un detective privado en el thriller de comedia Dos tipos peligrosos (The Nice Guys), cuya trama toma lugar en la década de los setenta. En Dos tipos peligrosos das vida a un padre soltero. Es tu primer personaje como papá desde que realmente te convertiste en padre. ¿Esa experiencia se ve reflejada en tu nuevo papel?Es una buena pregunta. Creo que este personaje es una versión pesadillesca de la paternidad; es la manifestación de tu miedo, de qué tan mal padre puedes s
Ryan Gosling on 'The Nice Guys'
Ryan Goslingis charming in the manner of truly charming people. His trick is to make you think that it’s you who’s charming. He laughs easily, a husky, conspiratorial chuckle. He listens attentively, answering thoughtfully, as if he hasn’t been asked the same question a thousand times before, like the two of you are old friends catching up, not two strangers sitting in a hotel in LA, surrounded by publicists. This is Gosling’s magic – to be the devastatingly handsome but sensitive guy with the firm handshake and the sly smile. And we all love him for it. Men, women, children – we all go weak at the knees for Ryan Gosling. It helps that he is tremendously talented, a child actor done good, a kid from Nowheresville, Canada, who somehow clambered over the wall into Hollywood. After a poorly received directing debut, Lost River, and threatening to retire from acting, Gosling is back with a vengeance. He plays a jazz pianist in the upcoming musical La La Land and a brooding indie rocker in Terrence Malick’s new film Weightless. Before that, he’s sporting a Ron Burgundy-ish handlebar moustache in the hilariously funny 1970s-set buddy comedy The Nice Guys, playing a crap private detective whose precocious daughter might be better at solving crimes than he is. Your character in The Nice Guys is a single father. This is your first role as a dad since you became an actual dad. Did experience bring anything to the role?That’s a good question. I guess this character in The Nice Guys is y
Interview: Quentin Tarantino
Today the Pulp Fiction and Django Unchained director is holding court in a Beverly Hills hotel. Tarantino – if you didn’t already know – is a talker. He’s as quick as a round of machine-gun fire on the subject of his latest film, The Hateful Eight, a Western set in post-Civil War Wyoming where a snowstorm traps a random group of people, including bounty hunters played by Kurt Russell and Samuel L. Jackson, together under one roof and challenges their politics and prejudices (there will be blood!). When a draft script leaked early in 2014, a furious Tarantino threatened to pull the plug on the film. Nearly two years later, his layered take on race in America is, if anything, more timely than ever following the tragic killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. In the past few months, after joining a protest against police brutality in late October in New York City, Tarantino has found himself misquoted and vilified on the subject of race and the police. But if we know anything about Tarantino, it’s that he thrives on controversy. Actually, The Hateful Eight is subtle (by Tarantino standards), brooding and mature. Weighing in at a butt-numbing three-hours-plus – with an actual intermission to allow us to slip out for another box of popcorn – this is old-school filmmaking. Tarantino has been making movies for more than 20 years, and he always vowed he’d call it a day at ten films. The Hateful Eight is his number eight. The big question is, when a man loves cinema this much –
The Hateful Eight: Quentin Tarantino röportajı
Quentin Tarantino Amerika’nın bir numaralı auteur’lerinden biri. Adeta 52 yaşında bir rock star. 1992 yılında ‘Reservoir Dogs / Rezervuar Köpekleri’ ile sinema sanatına taptaze bir kan getirmiş olsa da bugün hâlâ DVD dükkânında çalışan film sevdalısı bir genci andırıyor. Sinema konusunda alabildiğine ansiklopedik bilgiye sahip bu koca çocuk, tüm azmiyle en büyük hayalini gerçekleştirmeyi başardı: Film yapmak. Tarantino’yla Beverly Hills’te kaldığı otelde buluşuyoruz. Herkesin ilgi odağında o var. Konuşmayı pek seven Tarantino western türündeki yeni filmi ‘The Hateful Eight’in konusunu bir çırpıda anlatıveriyor. İç Savaş sonrasında, Wyoming’de kar fırtınasının gazabına uğrayan bir grup aynı eve sığınmak zorunda kalır. Siyasi görüşleri ve ön yargıları bu evde komple bir testten geçecektir. Ve tabii ki kan çıkacaktır… 2014’te taslak senaryonun sızmasının ardından öfkeden küplere binen Tarantino filmi çekmemeyi düşündüğünü ilan etmişti. Aradan geçen zamanda ABD’nin Ferguson şehrinde Michael Brown’ın trajik bir şekilde öldürülmesine tanık oldu tüm dünya. Tam da bu nedenle Tarantino’nun Amerika’daki ırkçılık mevzusunu irdelediği ‘The Hateful Eight’ için daha iyi bir zamanlama olamazdı. Geçtiğimiz Ekim ayında New York’ta polis şiddetini protesto etmek için katıldığı gösteri sonrasında ırkçılık ve polis konusunda söyledikleri çarpıtıldı. Hatta kimilerinin düşmanlığını kazandı Tarantino. Ama onun hakkında bildiğimiz bir gerçek var; bu adam skandalları seviyor. ‘The Hateful Eight’ ol
Interview: Ryan Gosling
Ryan Gosling is charming in the manner of truly charming people. His trick is to make you think that somehow you are the charming one. He laughs easily, a husky, conspiratorial chuckle. He listens carefully and answers thoughtfully, as if he hasn’t been asked the same question a thousand times before, as if the two of you are old friends catching up, shooting the breeze, not two strangers sitting in a hotel in L.A. surrounded by publicists. This is his magic, to be the devastatingly handsome but sensitive guy with the firm handshake and the sly smile. And we all love him for it. Men, women, children – we all go weak at the knees for Ryan Gosling. It helps that he is tremendously talented, a child actor done good, a kid from Nowheresville, Canada, who somehow climbed over the wall into Hollywood. After threatening to retire from acting (and after his poorly received directing debut, Lost River) Gosling is back with a vengeance. He is a jazz pianist in the musical La La Land and a brooding indie rocker in Terrence Malick’s Weightless. But before that, he’s sporting a Ron Burgudy-ish handlebar mustache playing a down-on-his-luck private detective in this month’s 1970s-set comedy thriller The Nice Guys. Your character in The Nice Guys is a single father. This is your first role as a dad since you became an actual dad. Did experience bring anything to the role?“That’s a good question. I guess this character in The Nice Guys is your nightmare version of a father. He’s the manifesta
Ryan Gosling on ‘The Nice Guys’, musicals and jumping on Johnny Rotten
Ryan Gosling is charming in the manner of truly charming people. His trick is to make you think that it’s you who’s charming. He laughs easily, a husky, conspiratorial chuckle. He listens attentively, answering thoughtfully, as if he hasn’t been asked the same question a thousand times before, like the two of you are old friends catching up, not two strangers sitting in a hotel in LA, surrounded by publicists. This is Gosling’s magic – to be the devastatingly handsome but sensitive guy with the firm handshake and the sly smile. And we all love him for it. Men, women, children – we all go weak at the knees for Ryan Gosling. It helps that he is tremendously talented, a child actor done good, a kid from Nowheresville, Canada who somehow clambered over the wall into Hollywood. After a poorly received directing debut, ‘Lost River’, and threatening to retire from acting, Gosling is back with a vengeance. He plays a jazz pianist in the upcoming musical ‘La La Land’ and a brooding indie rocker in Terrence Malick’s new film ‘Weightless’. Before that, he’s sporting a Ron Burgundy-ish handlebar moustache in the hilariously funny 1970s-set buddy comedy ‘The Nice Guys’, playing a crap private detective whose precocious daughter might be better at solving crimes than he is. Your character in ‘The Nice Guys’ is a single father. This is your first role as a dad since you became an actual dad. Did experience bring anything to the role? ‘That’s a good question. I guess this character in “The N
テキスト:Jessica Hundley 翻訳:小山 瑠美 10作品を作ったら引退すると表明している、クエンティン・タランティーノ監督。最新作の名作西部劇『ヘイトフル・エイト』は、8作目だ。ハリウッドで最も妥協しない男は、本当に監督業から身を引くつもりなのか。 本インタビューが行われたのは、12月初旬のビバリーヒルズホテル。タランティーノは、機関銃のような早口で、最新作について語ってくれた。今作『ヘイトフル・エイト』は、南北戦争後のワイオミング州が舞台の西部劇。猛吹雪の中ロッジに閉じ込められた、カート・ラッセル、サミュエル・L・ジャクソンらが演じる賞金稼ぎを含むクセ者たちを軸に、偏見についてのストーリーが展開する。 2014年初めに新作映画の脚本が流出し、激怒したタランティーノは製作中止を発表。その後、ファーガソンでマイケル・ブラウン射殺事件が起こった。その約2年後に満を持してアメリカの人種にまつわるシーンが書き加えられた本作が公開されることになった。20年以上の映画監督キャリアを持つタランティーノは、計10作品を撮り終えたら引退すると表明しており、本作は8作目だ。こんなに映画を愛している男が、どうして引退することができるだろうか。
Entrevista con Quentin Tarantino
A sus 52 años, Quentin Tarantino es quizás el director más influyente de Estados Unidos, un rockstar del cine que debutó en 1992 con Perros de reserva. Pese al éxito, aún es el bobo asistente de una tienda de videos, el niño grandulón con un amplio conocimiento en cine y que, gracias a su fuerza de voluntad, cumplió su sueño de hacer películas. El director nos convoca en un hotel de Beverly Hills. Tarantino, por si no lo sabías, es un parlanchín. Es tan rápido como una ametralladora al hablar de su más reciente película, Los 8 más odiados, un western ambientado en Wyoming tras el fin de la Guerra Civil. Los 8 más odiados se desarrolla después de la Guerra Civil, pero explora un tema actual: la división racial. ¿Te sorprende la vigencia de tu película?Si hablas con alguien de un barrio negro te dirá que es un tema que ha sido relevante en los últimos 20 años, aunque para los medios masivos de comunicación es “algo con lo que se debe lidiar ”. ¿Los 8 más odiados es tu filme más político?Sí, pero no lo sabía cuando empecé a escribirlo. De alguna manera había tratado con el racismo en todas mis películas. Hablar de blancos y negros en un contexto estadunidense y mostrar sus conflictos raciales es con lo que puedo contribuir al género del western. Eso no lo había hecho alguien antes, al menos de una manera significativa. ¿Por qué utilizar el género del western para abordar el racismo en EU? Comenzaste con Django sin cadenas.El western siempre ha sido muy preciso para retratar la d
Q&A: 감독 쿠엔틴 타란티노
당신이 알고 있는지 모르겠는데, 쿠엔틴 타란티노 감독은 영화를 사랑하는 사람이자 수다 떨기를 좋아하는 사람이다. 사치스러운 캘리포니아 비벌리힐스에서 자신을 선망하는 사람들에게 둘러싸인 52세의 영화감독은 신작 "헤이트풀8"에 대해서 속사포로 이야기했다. 또 한 가지 우리가 궁금한 것은, 영화를 이토록 사랑하는 사람이 과연 영화를 만드는 일을 멈출 수 있을까 하는 것이다. "장고: 분노의 추적자" 이후 다시 한 번 서부 영화를 제작하게 된 이유는? 카 체이싱 장면을 만드는 법을 스스로 터득했는데, 그것을 다시 영화로 만들지는 않았다. "장고: 분노의 추적자"의 경우, 그 영화를 통해서 나는 서부 영화를 만들고 말과 카우보이를 다루는 법을 배우게 되었다. 스스로도 이 점에 대해 상당히 놀랐는데, 영화를 다 만들고 났는데도 아직 무언가 더 남아 있더라. 그래서 다시 돌아온 건가? 서부 영화라는 장르의 경우, 그 영화가 어떤 시기를 배경으로 하고 있는지에 관해서 언제나 상당히 명확하게 드러내왔다. 1960년대 후반에서 1970년대를 다루는 서부극에는 항상 베트남전과 워터게이트가 등장한다. 게다가 아주 뼛속까지 시니컬하고. 서부 영화를 만들 때는 그 당시 미국의 시대정신을 다루지 않을 수가 없다. 지금으로부터 10년, 20년 정도가 흐르면 "헤이트풀8"을 보면서 이 시기 미국이 어떤 문제를 겪고 있었는지 알 수 있게 되기를 바라고, 또 그렇게 될 거다. 아직도 영화는 10편만 제작하고 그만둘 계획인가? 일단 그게 내 계획이다. 어차피 영화 한 편을 만드는 데 3년 정도가 걸리고 그러면 거의 10년이 남았다고 할 수 있다. 왜 10편에서 그만두고자 하나? 나는 영원히 이 일을 하는 사람이 되고 싶지는 않다. 언젠가 끝이 있어야 한다. 그리고 그것에 대한 책임은 스스로 져야 하는 거고. 그 생각에 대해서만큼은 더욱더 확고해졌다. 이건 내 생각인데, 모든 감독이 그런 건 아닐지도 모르지만, 많은 감독이 본인에게는 아직 시간이 많다고 생각하는 것 같다. 여기서 시간이란 영원불멸을 뜻할 수도 있고 영화업계에서 그에게 작용하는 운을 말할 수도 있다. 그렇기 때문에 만들 수 있는 영화가 하나밖에 남지 않았을 때에도 본인은 아직 영화를 여섯 편은 더 만들 수 있다고 생각하는 것 같다. 하지만 어떤 일이 일어날지는 절대로 알 수 없는 거지 않나. 그렇다면 그 결심 때문에 다음 프로젝트를 선정하는 일이 더 어려워졌나? 영화를 만드는 이유가 더 명확해지는 것만은 분명하다. 이혼 위자료를 내기 위해 영화를 만드는 것과는 다르다. 영화는 단지 ‘누구누구’가 당신과 함께 일하고 싶어 한다고 해서 만드는 게 아니다. "나는 영원히 이 일을 하는 사람이 되고 싶지는 않다. 언젠가 끝이 있어야 한다. "
Quentin Tarantino chats it up about his new talky Western The Hateful Eight
In case you didn’t know, Quentin Tarantino is a movie lover and talker. While holding court in a swanky Beverly Hills, California, hotel, the 52-year-old filmmaker speaks at a quick-fire clip about his latest, The Hateful Eight, a Western set in post–Civil War Wyoming where a snowstorm traps a random group of people (played by the likes of Kurt Russell, Samuel L. Jackson, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Tim Roth) under one roof. Politics are challenged. Racial prejudices flare. And there will be—this being a Tarantino movie—blood. When a draft script leaked early in 2014, a furious Tarantino threatened to pull the plug on the project—only to host a staged reading of the screenplay in Los Angeles months later. Now his layered take on race in America is hitting the big screen, and the subject is more timely than ever. The Hateful Eight is subtle (by Tarantino standards, although a guy’s head gets blown off in close-up), brooding and mature. An epic of sorts weighing in at three-plus hours—with an actual intermission and shot on 70-millimeter film—it is old-school filmmaking of the highest order. The video-store-clerk-made-good has been bringing us the best movies for more than 20 years. He always vowed he’d call it a day at 10 films. The Hateful Eight is, coincidentally, number eight. The big question is, when a man loves cinema this much, how can he stop? He has a lot to say about that. The Hateful Eight takes place just after the Civil War, but it explores a very topical theme: raci
Quentin Tarantino interview: ‘I don’t want to be the guy doing this forever’
It’s early December, and Quentin Tarantino is holding court in a Beverly Hills hotel. Tarantino – if you didn’t already know – is a talker. He’s as quick as machine-gun fire on the subject of his new film ‘The Hateful Eight’. It’s a western set in post-Civil War Wyoming where a snowstorm traps a group of people together under one roof, including bounty hunters played by Kurt Russell and Samuel L Jackson, and challenges their prejudices. When a draft script of the film leaked early in 2014, Tarantino furiously threatened to pull the plug. Nearly two years later, his layered take on race in America is, if anything, more timely than ever following the killing of Michael Brown in the city of Ferguson. Tarantino has been directing movies for more than 20 years, and he’s always said he’d call it a day after his tenth film. ‘The Hateful Eight’ is number eight. The big question is, when a man loves cinema this much – how can he stop? So is ‘The Hateful Eight’ your most political film?‘Yes. But when I first started writing it, I didn’t know it. I’ve dealt with race, in terms of black and white, in a lot of my movies, in all my movies, to some degree or other. But I do think that dealing with black and white in America and with racial conflicts is something that I have to contribute to the western genre. That has not been done by anyone else – at least not in a meaningful way.’ Why use the western genre to explore race in America? You started that with ‘Django Unchained’.‘The western h