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Jessica van Dop DeJesus

Jessica van Dop DeJesus

Contributor, Puerto Rico

Articles (3)

The 19 best restaurants in Puerto Rico

The 19 best restaurants in Puerto Rico

If Puerto Rico isn’t on your foodie radar, you need to get that thing checked. Few places bridge the divide between traditional recipes and modern techniques quite like here, and the ever-growing roster of restaurants across the island brings the best out of indigenous ingredients. That is an understatement, of course, as words can never do justice to the sheer power of flavor found here. The best restaurants in Puerto Rico are a culinary extravaganza, from San Juan to Rincon and beyond. If the delicious dish comes with live music, dancing, and a conveyor belt of cocktails, so be it.

Les 14 destinacions més infravalorades del món

Les 14 destinacions més infravalorades del món

Voleu fer del 2023 l'any per viatjar a un lloc diferent? Aquí tenim alguns suggeriments bastant espectaculars. Hem demanat a la nostra xarxa de periodistes i editors de viatges que responguin quin és el destí turístic més ignorat del món. La llista conté des de petites illes i pobles de costa fins a enormes llacs i grans paisatges, i constitueix una gran inspiració per viatjar.Què és, exactament, allò que fa que un destí estigui infravalorat? Estem parlant de llocs que no apareixen sovint a les llistes de viatges? Llocs que no reben la seva part justa de turisme? Llocs que són joies ocultes fora de les rutes turístiques i que ofereixen excel·lents alternatives (o també tranquil·les) a llocs populars de la mateixa regió? Les destinacions d'aquesta llista pertanyen com a mínim a una d'aquestes categories. Des del veí ignorat de Bali fins a una àrea verge de bellesa natural a Zimbàbue, aquests són els llocs més infravalorats del món per viatjar aquest any. NO T'HO PERDIS: Les 10 millors destinacions per viatjar el 2023

The 14 most underrated travel destinations in the world

The 14 most underrated travel destinations in the world

Want to make 2023 the year you travel somewhere new? Well, we’ve got some pretty spectacular suggestions for you. We asked our global network of travel writers and editors to tell us what they think is the world’s most overlooked travel destination. The resulting list spans everything from tiny islands and seaside towns to massive lakes and whole countries – and makes for some serious travel inspo.  What, exactly, makes a destination underrated? Are we talking about places that don’t regularly appear on top travel lists? Places that don’t get their fair share of tourism? Places that are legitimate hidden gems, off-the-tourist-trail, or offer great (or quiet) alternatives to popular spots in the same region? The destinations on this list fall into at least one of those categories. From Bali’s overlooked neighbour to an untouched area of natural beauty in Zimbabwe, these are the world’s most underrated places to travel to this year. RECOMMENDED:🏰 The most underrated travel destinations in Europe💘 The most romantic places in the world🌈 The most colourful places in the world