Architectural model exhibition-Transition of culture and thinking-

  • Art
  1. 建築模型展ー文化と思考の変遷ー
    オンデザインパートナーズ 「町田芹ヶ谷公園"芸術の杜"プロジェクト パークミュージアム」 Photo by 加藤甫
  2. 建築模型展ー文化と思考の変遷ー
    SEJIMA Kazuyo + NISHIZAWA Ryue / SANAA Rolex Learning Center, EPFL, Switzerland Photo by 椎木静寧(所蔵:東京都現代美術館)
  3. 建築模型展ー文化と思考の変遷ー
    「直島ホール」風洞実験模型 ©三分一博志建築設計事務所
  4. 建築模型展ー文化と思考の変遷ー
    「失われた街」模型復元プロジェクト 「大島-長崎・小田の浜」模型 Photo by 藤井達也
  5. 建築模型展ー文化と思考の変遷ー
    家形埴輪 ©︎國學院大學博物館
  6. 建築模型展ー文化と思考の変遷ー

Time Out says

An exhibition featuring 'architectural models' will be held at the Terada Warehouse's What Museum. The exhibition re-establishes the role that models have played and their significance from the past to the present.

The exhibition features more than 20 models from the past and present. The exhibition covers everything from the historical 'house-shaped terra-cotta tomb' of the Kofun period to cutting-edge models by contemporary architect Hiroshi Sambuichi, Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa. Attention should also be paid to works that can actually be touched, and a project to use models to restore areas lost in the earthquake. Visit the world of architectural models, which have changed with the times and their creators.


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