This diatomaceous umbrella stand will absorb water from dripping wet umbrellas

Written by
Kirsty Bouwers

It's pissing down with rain, you've at least managed to buy a virtually disposable umbrella at the convenience store. And now you're home, with a dripping wet umbrella stalled somewhere near the door, as a puddle of water slowly forming near the tip. Annoyed by such a problem? Enter &ne's diatomaceous umbrella stand to end all your woes.

What umbrella stand, you ask? Well, diatomaceous earth is a nifty natural substance that absorbs water easily, and is therefore often used as a drying agent, building material, and insulation material.

Bath mats, coasters and other items made from this water-absorbing mineral started becoming popular in Japan last year, but this umbrella stand is a first in its triangular simplicity. It doesn't take up a lot of space: You can place it on the floor in any convenient corner, out of plain sight, and it will absorb all the water that drips from wet umbrellas. (Keeping folding umbrellas upright might be a bit harder, though.)

Unlike some other ingenious products, this one is easy on the wallet. It retails for under ¥1,000, and comes in a variety of colours to keep you happy. Want one? It's available through online retailers such as Rakuten and Amazon, as well as in physical stores including Loft

Unsurprisingly, we've shortlisted this diatomaceous umbrella stand for our 2017 Love Tokyo Awards. See the full list of Best Product nominees here

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