
  • Music

Time Out says

Ask pretty much any Japanese hipster in their thirties, and they'll tell you: Fishmans were the bomb. It's hard to overstate the influence that this bunch of skinny, dub-drenched pop kids had on the leftfield music scene here – an influence that endures 12 years on from the sudden death of lead singer Shinji Sato. The remaining members of Fishmans still convene from time to time to honour Sato's legacy, roping in a group of old friends and collaborators to help out. Their latest concert – subtitled 'A Piece of Future,' after the final song that Sato ever wrote – enlists the talents of UA, Keigo 'Cornelius' Oyamada and violinist Yuji Katsui, to name but a few. Tickets go on sale March 26.


03 3405 9999
Opening hours:
May 3 Doors, 4:45pm. Gig, 5.30pm
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