Tokyo DisneySea to open new flight-simulator attraction on July 23

Tabea Greuner
Written by
Tabea Greuner

Tokyo DisneySea is expanding and there are lots of exciting works in the pipeline. You already know about the upcoming attractions that will recreate the magical worlds of ‘Frozen’, ‘Tangled’ and ‘Peter Pan’, set to open in 2022. To tide you over the long wait, this Disney landmark by the Tokyo Bay is launching a new feature next month on July 23.

A highly popular attraction at Shanghai Disneyland Park and Disneyland California Adventure, Soarin’ Around the World will finally be available at Tokyo DisneySea. Moreover, it will feature new scenes and visuals created exclusively for Tokyo.


Photo: Disney

The Tokyo version of this flight-simulator attraction is known as Soaring: Fantastic Flight. Located at the park’s Mediterranean Harbor, the ride will take you through famous landscapes around the world. It’s an immersive experience with special effects such as scents and breezes matching the scenes.


Photo: Disney

Before boarding the ride, you’ll walk through the Museum of Fantastic Flight, which explores humankind’s dream of flying. The central figure here is the fictional character Camellia Falco, who was an innovator in the field of aviation. She was the inventor of the Dream Flyer, the old-time glider featured at this Disney attraction. You’ll learn more about this amazing flying vehicle before going on a five-minute flight around the world.


Photo: Disney

DisneySea has yet to release details regarding the locations featured in this flight-simulator adventure. But judging from the promotional poster, you can expect to ‘visit’ Taj Mahal in India, the pyramids of Egypt and the Great Wall of China. New food and drinks as well as souvenirs will also be released in conjunction with this new attraction.

For more information about Tokyo Disney Resort, check the official website.

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