Kingken Tokyo

  • Restaurants
  • Shiba-Koen

Time Out says

Hailing from Hiroshima, where it has won a loyal following with its simple but oh-so-addictive ‘soupless’ dandan noodles, Kingken is located near Shiba Park and gets reliably packed every lunchtime. The chefs are adamant about using the exact same ingredients as the original restaurant, and apparently the taste is identical – transplants from Hiroshima make up a significant portion of the regulars.

You can choose from four degrees of heat for your noodles, with ‘2’ probably the most common pick and ‘4’ recommended only for experienced spice fiends. A common beginner’s mistake at Kingken is to dig in as soon as your dish arrives. Instead, you’re supposed to mix the noodles and the sauce at the bottom until the two are entirely blended together. Another thing to keep in mind is not to throw in the soft-boiled egg you get with your dish right away. Save that for what you get after finishing your noodles, ‘dandan rice’: white rice, mixed in with your remaining sauce and flavoured with extra sauce, vinegar, sansho pepper and other spices available at your table.


Sigma Bldg 1F, 2-10-5 Shibakoen, Minato-ku
Opening hours:
11am-3pm, 5pm-8pm (Sun & hols 11am-3pm only), closed Sat
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