Perfect Liars Club

  • Things to do

Time Out says

Think you can spot the liar? Started in Washington DC in 2013, Perfect Liars Club is a 'story interrogation' show based on a simple premise: four people will each tell you a funny story about something unexpected, unbelievable or just plain ridiculous that happened to them. Three will be telling stories that are absolutely true – but the fourth will be telling a lie. Your mission is to figure out who the fabricator is by quizzing the 'suspects' on their stories. The brainchild of Scottish storyteller Layla McCay and now hosted by Christiane Brew, Tokyo's Perfect Liars Club has already seen appearances by the Washington Post's bureau chief, a JAXA astrophysicist and the British ambassador. Best book tickets for the next show in advance, especially if you like to be able to sit rather than stand.


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