Showa Beer Garden

  • Things to do

Time Out says

Journey back to the smoky decades of the Showa era at Roppongi's Grand Hyatt this summer. Decorated with paper lanterns and old-school posters, the hotel's fourth-floor Chapel Garden serves as the venue for this nostalgia-tinged beer garden, where Japanese oldies from the ’60s and ’70s blare from the speakers while you sip ice-cold suds and snack on deep-fried ham, yakisoba, octopus sausages, Babystar ramen and other decidedly un-trendy eats. All of these are part of the Showa Otsumami Set, which also includes unlimited quantities of Hoppy, highballs and chu-hi and sets you back a cool ¥6,000. Sounds like a fair price to pay for a taste of the good (?) old days.


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