The environmentally conscious plot of this early favorite by Japanese animation legend Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited Away) involves a young girl trying to bring peace to her post-apocalyptic society and halt the spread of polluted wastelands.
With Mad Max: Fury Road rampaging into theaters, fans of post-apocalyptic movies are in a leather-clad frenzy. Director George Miller all but perfected the genre with Max Max (1979) and The Road Warrior (1981)—his return to these dusty stomping grounds is cause for celebration. Despite their overwhelming cynicism, films about the end of the world have an excellent pedigree: Many transcend their set-ups as action movies or animated fantasies, touching on something essential and cautionary about human nature. Here are the 10 most nightmarish examples. See these post-apocalyptic movies and you’ll have a clear window into several alternate futures, all worth contemplating.