Annie Hall

Where did it all go wrong?
Well that, in a nutshell, is the point of Woody Allen’s Oscar-winning film and biggest box-office success to date. It’s what Alvy Singer (Allen) asks himself after splitting up with Annie Hall (Diane Keaton).

They should be a perfect match – a kookily blissful bubble of shared neuroses. But something isn’t right. He won’t go and see a film if he’s missed the opening credits (even if it’s a Swedish movie). She wants to try cocaine. He just sneezes all over it. The reality that bites here is that finding your soulmate doesn’t always guarantee a happy ending.

Weapon of choice
A record producer played by Paul Simon – whose chilled-out vibes lure Annie to California.

Nastiest line
‘You’re so egocentric that if I miss my therapy you can only think of it in terms of how it affects you!’

Read the Time Out review of 'Annie Hall' (1977)

The ten messiest movie break-ups

The most memorable examples of love turning to hate on the big screen


Julianne Moore and Steve Coogan play one of the most toxic couples you’ll see on screen this year in ‘What Maisie Knew’. They’re not alone. The temporary insanity sparked by a relationship in crisis has inspired some seriously deranged behaviour in the movies, including attempting murder, faking your own death, peeing on your spouse’s dinner and dragging up as an elderly Scottish woman. Here are ten of history’s most complicated screen splits.

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