
Ranked: these are officially the world’s best cities for dating

A study has totted up the number of cinemas, bars and romantic restaurants in each place

Ed Cunningham
Written by
Ed Cunningham
News Editor, Time Out UK and Time Out London
Photograph: Shutterstock

What makes a city good for dating? Well, loads of stuff, we imagine. Things like vibrant dating-app culture, open-mindedness, great date spots and loads of things to do. If a city’s got all that, then it’s sure to be a dating hotspot.

Insurance company CIA Landlords (yep, we know, weird name) has dived deep into things like date venues, romantic restaurants and bars, street safety and even mini golf to come up with what it says are the world’s most romantic cities.

According to that study, apparently the best city for dating in the world is… Bern?! That’s right, Switzerland’s de facto capital and fifth-largest city is apparently the world’s most ideal dating spot. The study concluded that, thanks to its high level of safety and large number of dating venues, cinemas and mini-golf places, there’s nowhere better for dating than Bern.

Next in the list comes Reykjavik in Iceland, which is both safe and has lots of bowling alleys and comedy clubs, while third is Luxembourg, which boasts more romantic restaurants than any other city on the list.

Now, you may be thinking that this is a very odd ranking of cities – and that’s because it absolutely is. I mean, we’re not saying that Bern isn’t great for dating, but it’s probably not the most romantic city that comes to mind. Plus, the same study also named famously romantic Paris as one of the worst cities for dating, so it’s definitely worth questioning. 

Here’s the top ten best cities in the world for dating, according to the study:

1. Bern, Switzerland

2. Reykjavik, Iceland

3. Luxembourg, Luxembourg

4. Prague, Czech Republic

5. Amsterdam, The Netherlands

6. Wellington, New Zealand

7. Tallinn, Estonia

8. Ljubljana, Slovenia

9. Dublin, Ireland

10. Canberra, Australia

If you want to read the study in full and find out where your city ranks, you can do so here.

ICYMI: these are the world’s top 10 attractions, according to TripAdvisor.

Plus: here are Europe’s safest countries for travellers right now.

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