
Ridley Scott and Kevin Macdonald want your help to make a movie this weekend

‘Life in a Day 2020’ aims to capture a single day in our strange and surreal times – and your footage is needed

Huw Oliver
Written by
Huw Oliver
UK Editor

What are you up to this Saturday, July 25? No matter the answer, Ridley Scott and Kevin Macdonald need your help. The two Oscar-winning directors are inviting amateur filmmakers from all over the world to submit footage for a crowd-sourced doc that seeks to capture a single day on planet Earth.

Whether you’re already allowed to get out and about or you’re still under official orders to stay at homedirector Macdonald (‘Whitney’) and executive producers Scott (‘Gladiator’) and Kai Hsuing (‘Lord of Chaos’) are inviting people around the world to pick up cameras and help them create a time capsule of this strange and surreal moment. The resulting film will be a follow-up to 2011’s ‘Life in a Day’, and will premiere at the Sundance Film Festival and on YouTube next year.

To get involved with ‘Life in a Day 2020’, all you need to do is take some footage at any time on Saturday, and submit it via this website by August 2. Over the coming months, Macdonald and his team will weave together the final feature-length film from the best submissions.

The first film, recorded on July 24, 2010, attracted some 80,000 submissions and has since been watched 16 million times on YouTube. So if you’ve always dreamed of Hollywood fame, this could be your best shot. Iphone at the ready!

These are the best documentaries on Netflix in the UK and the USA right now.

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