• Bars and pubs | Cocktail bars
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Flute l'Etoile (CLOSED)

3 out of 5 stars

Time Out says

With a menu of some 23 different champagnes and designer decor (slick wooden panelling, blue walls and red velvet), Paris's first champagne lounge may be miniscule, but it certainly looks the part. Indeed the only indication that it's not French (it's American) is the sneaky appearance of a Californian sparkler on the champagne list. For drinkers wishing to sample different vintages without buying a whole glass (from €9), the small tasting glasses (from €5) are a thoughtful touch. And for anyone bored by plain old bubbly, cocktails such as champagne sangria and Rossini-Tini (champagne, raspberry juice, liqueur and Grey Goose vodka) make sophisticated alternatives.


19 rue de l'Etoile
Opening hours:
Open 5pm-2am Tue-Sat
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