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Shines/Footowork On2 Salsa And Chachacha Classes


Time Out says

ChaChaCha shines Class every Sunday at 8pm! Learn the basics of Cha-Cha-Cha dancing (basic steps, Crossbody lead, basic turns) Acquire the right skills to enjoy Cha-Cha-Cha dancing in no time. Gain confidence while improving your social dancing and meeting new friends. Learn fun, energetic footwork and how to incorporate it into your social dancing. Develop a stronger and smoother lead. Understand the cues for following. Learn how to best use the turns in combination. More specific arm positioning and hand signals . Develop your own signature style on dance floor. Timing and Musicality will help you make your dancing stylish. Develop a good ear for finding the beat. Understand the concepts of time structures and syncopation. Learn to identify the various instruments in chachacha music. No partner needed. Open to All levels. $10 per Class $5 Student Discount Available with Valid Student ID.


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