
San Franciscans reveal the worst date they've ever been on

Bad date
Photograph: Shutterstock

Finding love in SF can be hard. Take a lesson from these true dating stories. 

“I was on a first date with a girl from OKCupid. We met up at a show at 1015 Folsom and she was wasted. The girl immediately tries to make out with me by slamming her teeth into mine. When that hell was over, she cut in front of four African American chicks in line at the bar and starts spewing racist garbage. As soon as possible, I slipped away and booked it towards the front door but she caught me. I panicked and yelled out “I’m claustrophobic” then made a bee-line out of the venue. Needless to say, I never saw her again.” — Max B.

“Back before Tinder and OKCupid, I made a connection with someone on Craigslist. Only problem was, he lived in New York. After several weeks of chatting, he decided to come out for a visit. It was only supposed to be for a few days and there was a backup plan in case we didn’t like each other, but the guy ended up staying for an entire month. Even though we weren’t getting along, my friends didn’t like him and he refused to eat anywhere but Subway or McDonalds, he wouldn’t leave! I finally only got him out because my roommate, who had been traveling all month, was coming back.” — Jasmine F.

“I was on a first date at the Lost and Found in Oakland. We were doing the typical first date convo—talking about where we are from and what we do and stuff. He asked what my favorite holiday was. It was over the summer, so not really close to any holiday and I told him I wasn’t really sure, maybe Thanksgiving. He said his was Halloween because of the women’s slutty costumes and asked me what I was for Halloween last year. I told him, 'Drake.' I don’t think he was impressed. We did not go out again.” — Grace P.

“Several years ago I was with my parents and sister at the ice skating rink in downtown San Jose. I managed to have a charming conversation with the super cute ticket girl at the rink and persuaded her to teach me how to ice skate. I played it off, making sure not to skate too well so there would be a lot of (literal) hand-holding involved. Before leaving, she gave me her number and a peck on the cheek. We met up for a date a week later and had a lovely dinner. At the end of the date, we were making out in my car when she stopped to tell me she was saving her virginity for her ex-boyfriend. Brutal.” — Doug S.

“I had been on a couple of dates with this guy when my birthday rolled around. I was having a small gathering of people at my place in NoPa and when he texted me at 11pm that night, I invited him to come join us. He showed up looking very displeased then pulled me into my bedroom and scolded me for having people over. He told me he thought he’d get to see just me alone and he was not comfortable hanging out with other people. It was my birthday. I told him too bad, I wasn’t going to ask these people to leave and, besides, still my BIRTHDAY. He left in a huff. The next day he texted me to sheepishly apologize. I never responded.” — Anonymous


“One of my best dates was with a Tinder gal. We met up at Land’s End, walking from the Sutro Baths to the golf course and chatting the entire time. We ended up getting Burmese food at Pagan and then I drove her home. A few days later my coworker asked me if I knew a woman with her name. As it turned out, she had written an article in the SF Weekly about her Tinder experiences, citing our date as one of her best yet! I thought so, too.” — Stu B.

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