The Muppets

Communist manifesto
A frog, a pig and associated fuzzy-felt freaks attempt to save an old theatre by putting on a show.

Decadent Hollywood types like willy-waving screenwriter and star Jason Segel and inter-species pervert Kermit the Frog.

Loony liberal agenda
Pushing anti-corporate communism to kids.

Why it oughta be banned
‘The Muppet Show’ was always a radical hotbed of hippie subversion – the original TV show was basically a bunch of brightly coloured longhairs singing psychedelic ballads about saving the earth, loving your fellow man and hugging rainbows.

So it was no great surprise when this modern-day reboot slavishly toed the Party line by depicting powerful oil baron Chris Cooper – a self-made man, a job creator and a world-class expert in maniacal laughter – as some kind of evil, money-grubbing mastermind. These pinko puppets even had the cheek to take a pop at that shining beacon of fairness and diplomacy, Fox News!

The right says
‘Liberals are trying to brainwash your kids against capitalism. It’s amazing how far the left will go to manipulate your kids, to convince them, give the anti-corporate message.’ Eric Bolling, Fox News

Read the Time Out review of ‘The Muppets’ (2011)

The ten films that right-wingers love to hate

As ‘White House Down’ continues to anger US conservatives, here are ten movies that made the establishment fume and foam at the mouth


This summer, blockbuster action movie ‘White House Down’ became the latest film to draw fire from America’s conservative cultural commentators. ‘If you spend one damn cent on this crap, you’re spitting on our troops!’ ranted right-wing blogger Kurt Schlichter, while others rushed to condemn the film’s alleged pro-Obama stance.

As the film arrives in British cinemas, we rifle through the archives and dig up a few more classic flicks that have – intentionally or otherwise – sparked righteous anger both at home and abroad.

More film top tens

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