• Restaurants | Barbecue
  • price 3 of 4
  • Chamartín
  • Recommended



4 out of 5 stars

Time Out says

In the summer of 2017, Rocacho opened its doors in the Chamartín area around the Eurobuilding hotel, which itself already housed some of the best restaurants in the capital. The big draw here is grilled meat, but it's not just any meat: it's aged in Capricho de Jiménez de Jamuz (León), a restaurant that Time magazine once said served the best beef in the world. And now you can get your share right here in Madrid.

If you want to try beef that's spent 90 days maturing, this is your place, and it's prepared on the grill with oak wood, another feather in the restaurant's cap. Meat lovers can delight in variety as well, with entrecôte carpaccio, steak tartare or beef burgers. You can choose other dishes such as some great rice recipes made like they do near the Mediterranean, fish options, and starters that show of a bit of creativity, like a delicate grilled red shrimp lasagna.

Rocacho is spacious, sophisticated and cosy. There's a large dining room, a wonderful terrace, where you can even sit in winter, and an open kitchen, which you can observe from the dining room. Plus there's bar space where you can dine more informally.


Padre Damián, 38
Cuzco (M: L10)
Opening hours:
De lu. a do. de 13 a 16.30 h y de 20.30 a 24 h.
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