
III Points moves to February to get away from hurricane season

Written by
Ryan Pfeffer

For all its awesomeness, Miami’s III Points has always had one—sometimes literal—dark cloud hanging over its head: hurricane season. Travel complications from 2016’s Hurricane Matthew cost the festival multiple artist cancellations and one of its biggest headliners, LCD Soundsystem. Thankfully, 2017 went off flawlessly but III Points has decided to take no more chances. The music, technology and arts festival will be moving from October to February.

In a statement, the festival said, “…with the hope and mission to make III Points a festival that will live on 10-20-30 years in the future, we have decided to fully respect Mother Nature and leave our October dates.” The next III Points will be happening February 15 through February 17, 2019. A lineup announcement is due in the fall and the first wave of prophet passes goes on sale tomorrow, May 17, at 10am, via

III Points has been the single most exciting music festival to hit Miami in the last decade and, while we will have to wait a few extra months for the next installation, it’s comforting to know that no rude hurricane will interpret the sixth edition.

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