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Appreciation Party & Art Sale


Time Out says

Artists & Patrons we want to say thank you by hosting a special event for all of you. You are invited to dooGallery’s Appreciation Party. Thank you for your participation and patronage during the art events that we have hosted for the past 10 years. To celebrate We are giving away gifts to the guests that arrive early. We'll be serving up free Libations and snacks. The proprietor of the gallery, DooG will also open the doors to his private area where you will be able to see some his private collection of art. This event will also be a clearing house of abandoned art. in order to make room in our storage area for the online art sales. We have hundreds of pieces of art that have been left behind and/or unclaimed. This will be your chance to purchase some great art at ridiculously low prices. FREE FREE FREE!, Just bring your ID (must be 21) Free Entertainment, Free Parking, Free Snacks, Free Libations. DJ BJB will be entertaining us musically. RAFFLE Prizes - We also have cases filled with gifts worth hundreds of dollars. Art, skate shoes, backpacks, hats, novelties and more. All of it will be given way. Artists, Please visit (and or Join) the gallery's Artists Group. There is a special announcement about this party on the group page just for you.


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