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Taking The "Guesswork" Out Of Adjusting With Dr. Andy Roberts


Time Out says

How do you KNOW when someone is subluxated? How do you KNOW where someone is subluxated? How do you KNOW that you have made a change? How do you KNOW that that change was good? Certainty is one of the biggest game changers for your practice. If you are not certain with what you are doing, you will NOT be able to properly convey the importance of your message to your patients. Many people adjust their patients with little to no criteria, and when some criteria is used, it is very subjective. With subjective data, how can you be 100% certain that you have found exactly where and when someone is subluxated, whether you have made a change, and whether that change was beneficial to them? Being a master of objective measures is how you get the objective clinical data that shows you EXACTLY where and when your patient needs to be adjusted, and shows you EXACTLY how good of a job you are doing. Are you ready to learn how to be the most certain, specific, and effective chiropractor you can be? Dr. Andy Roberts will be in Atlanta teaching his "The Art of The Specific" intensive module Febuary 27-29, which is training THE most specific, objective, and certain chiropractors today. He has generously given us an evening of his time to extend to Life University students and doctors to come and gain some knowledge on how to make yourself more objective, specific, and certain with your patients and practice, as well as to help take as much "guesswork" out of your adjusting as possible! "Chiropractic is specific, or it is nothing." -BJ Palmer To register click the link below! Thanks!


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