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Women Celebrating Women: International Women's Day Celebration At Muse For Life


Time Out says

International Women's Day has been a well-kept secret from U.S. citizens until recently. Hundreds of countries around the world such as Russia, Cuba, Uganda, and Vietnam celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th. The US doesn't. (Not yet!) To find out more about International Women's Day on a global scale, visit! At Muse For Life, this special day is about Women Celebrating themselves, each other, women around the world, and what it means to be a Woman at this time on our Mother Earth! Starting at 10am, we will have sacred spaces, classes, sessions, ceremonies, and fun all day long until 7:30(ish)pm. Highlights include: ~ Breathing into Your Divine Feminine with Ananda at 11:15am ~ a fantastically informative lecture on Women's Reproductive Health and Arvigo Mayan Abdominal Massage given by Elizabeth Stein from New Zealand, 2pm - 3:30pm ~ Rite of the Womb ceremony held by Havalyn Raeuber, 5-6:30pm **For more information and the full schedule, please see below. Women from all over Atlanta will be offering their talents and time to gift you with a day of celebrating You. There will be limited snacks available all day as well as teas and treats in the Tea House Tea Room at Muse for Life, a fully operating tea room with organic and fair trade teas. If you feel like you will need something with more substance, please take time for yourself. May we suggest Loving Hut Sandy Springs, right around the corner from Muse for Life. There will be time for networking and sharing, as well as an area devoted entirely to networking - bring your business cards and flyers! Let's share our gifts and talents with one another! Join us for the whole day, join us for a half day, join us for an hour or for five minutes! Join in on the celebration, whether it's through dance, prayer, songs, discussions, a snuggle or hugs! We are all busy women - take some time to celebrate with your fellow women and give someone a hug! For those who are able to stay for the lecture at 2pm and/or the Rite of the Womb ceremony at 5pm, you will receive goodie bags! <3 We are accepting donations at this event! Not only to support the space (Muse for Life) holding ~*space*~ for this event and the women who have taken the time to organize this special day, but also to support this event becoming an annual fundraiser for women. Suggested donations are $40 for a whole day, $25 for a half day, and $5 per activity. More or less than the suggested donation is welcome - we appreciate YOU and anything you bring to our day. All are welcome and encouraged. <3 ~*FULL SCHEDULE*~: 10am - Opening Ceremony (We will hold a sacred circle, send prayers to women around the world and for the Feminine, have a moment to speak our intentions for the day, and hold a brief drum circle to connect with our heartbeats, the heartbeat of Mother Earth, and the heartbeat of the Divine Mother. Ending with HUGS) 10:45am - Tea, Snacks and Networking (Because it's important!) 11am - Breathing into Your Divine Feminine with Ananda Healing (Ananda regularly holds breathing circles around Atlanta. "Rebirthing Breathing is a gentle yet very powerful process of harnessing the Divine Energy or Prana into your physical and subtle bodies and blessing you with a deep healing and spiritual purification.") 12pm - Song Circle (Singing is sacred. Women singing together changes the world. Raise your Voice and SING! We will sit in a circle and share songs about women, by women, for women. Anything that helps us to feel empowered, at home, as one. Gospels, hymns, ancient medicine songs, folk songs - all are welcome.) 1pm - Women Who Run with Wolves, a discussion led by Sandra Niven (Women Who Run with Wolves is a classic and profound resource for women of the 20th and 21st centuries. All are welcome to share tea and discuss this powerful read or to learn about it for the first time.) 1:30pm - Networking and Tea Time (It is so important for women to connect with women. We are so talented, we are constantly learning and have so much to offer one another. It could be through a random conversation with a newly found girlfriend that you finally know what you need to take a step in the right direction! Time to snack, to relax, share a pot of tea, and celebrate with your fellow women.) 2pm - Women's Reproductive Health and Arvigo Mayan Abdominal Massage Lecture by Elizabeth Stein (Overall goal of presentation is to inform and empower women on why it’s important to take care of the pelvic bowl and the surrounding organs at any age! Talk presented by Elizabeth Stein, Nationally Certified Massage Therapist of over 9 years, trained doula (USA) and Arvigo Mayan Abdominal Massage™ Practitioner base out of New Zealand.) 3:30pm - Q&A with Elizabeth Stein (and Tea Time!) 4pm - Chalice Circle (This is a medicine circle in which each woman will be given the opportunity to speak, to share, to express who she is and what she envisions for the world. This is a sacred energy circle that has been a part of ceremonies for tens of thousands of years. It is powerful and changes the world in and of itself.) 5pm - Rite of the Womb Ceremony (Receive the Rite of the Womb - embrace your body, embrace your sacred creativity, embrace your femininity, claim your divine gifts and re-connect with your womb. To learn more about this Rite happening all over the world, visit "The deepest, most ancient secrets of life lie within the womb of every woman. The womb is the holiest temple in your body, the most energy-filled place in your body. The place where your inner voice, deepest guidance and clarity, stillness, creative expression and power arise. It is your primordial voice and the connector into the web of life… We are all birthed from the womb, yet it is one of the least known parts of ourselves… it holds the greatest power that a woman possesses: the power to nurture, grow and create new life…" ~~ written by Padma Aon Prakasha, Womb Wisdom) ALSO at 5pm - A History of Women for Our Young Ladies by Sandra Niven (This is a space for young girls and teens to learn a little bit more about why we are gathering as women and the importance of International Women's Day! Sandra Niven, who has lived through a lot of women's history in the past century, is a wealth of information on Women's movements and gender issues.. and a joy to be around!) 6:30pm - Drums and Dancing (To embody and integrate our connection to our wombs, to celebrate our day, ourselves, and each other, we will hold a space for drumming and dancing! There's nothing like a group of women getting together and dancing! Look out world!) 7pm - Closing Ceremony <3 <3 <3 See you there! <3 <3 <3


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