1. Croatian Association of Artists
    © Matt Field/Time Out
  2. Croatian Association of Artists
    © Igor Juran
  3. Croatian Association of Artists
    © Igor Juran
  4. Croatian Association of Artists
    © Igor Juran
  • Art | Galleries
  • Zagreb

Croatian Association of Artists


Time Out says

Visit for the building alone, a circular pavilion standing in the middle of Victims of Fascism Square, a ten-minute walk south-east of the main square. The building was designed by sculptor Ivan Meštrović just before World War II as an exhibition space in honour of the then Yugoslav King Peter I. Inside, the circular walls contain three galleries, which span two floors and provide an outstanding venue for a dynamic program of contemporary art exhibitions and events organized by the Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU). The circular central hall features natural light through the cupola. The HDLU is actually comprised of four galleries, with only one of them, Gallery Karas, not located within this building, but close by, at Zvonimirova 58.


Trg žrtava fašizma 16
Trams 1, 9, 13, 17 to Trg žrtava fašizma
Depending on programme.
Opening hours:
Usually closed on Monday and Tuesday. 9am-9pm daily, depending on programme and specific gallery
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