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  • Tkalciceva
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Confusion Bar/Alcatraz Beer Pub/All Saints Restaurant

3 out of 5 stars

Late night drinking every day on the popular tourist trail


Time Out says

This three-in-one mash-up on Zagreb’s main drinking strip comes from the makers of Alcatraz, the cult café on Preradovićeva that’s famous for its junk-shop interior and rock-and-roll soundtrack. The new venture is no less memorable than its much-loved progenitor, with an interior that rejoices in well-chosen clutter – Buddhas perch above the bar while a motley collection of Eastern deities and elephant gods gaze in relief form from the walls. Whether you sit in the café-cocktail bar or head down to the basement beer pub you’ll be treated to a big list of long drinks and a large selection of bottled beers. The first floor restaurant is a good place for cheap Monday-to-Friday lunchtime specials (30Kn), but otherwise concentrates on competent pub catering rather than special-night-out cuisine.


Tkalčićeva 15
Opening hours:
8-4am daily
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