© Vanda Vucicevic/Time Out

Čara area guide

An off-the-coast village, with plentiful vineyards and dramatic coves, Čara is a must-see destination


Like near-neighbour Pupnat, the village of Čara hovers above a broad agricultural plain whose vineyards produce some of the island’s best Pošip grapes. The question of whether it is Čara or neighbouring Smokvica that produces the best Pošip wine is the subject of much local debate. South of Čara, Zavalatica cove is home to a small seaside village whose pristine waters are ideal for splashing around in.

Where to go in Čara...

  • Mediterranean
  • Korcula
  • price 2 of 4
  • 3 out of 5 stars
  • Recommended
A family-run konoba occupying a modern house on the shore at Zavalatica, the tiny port just south of Čara, Albert is a fine place for grilled fish and seafood washed down with local Pošip wine. The roof terrace has good views of Zavalatica bay.
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