The Slaughtered Lamb

As seen in...
John Landis's horror-com classic 'An American Werewolf in London' (1981), which sees a pair of American tourists stroll off the beaten track and into North Yorkshire's most sinister boozer.

The regulars
Gruff farming types with string round their welly boots, plus the occasional bloodthirsty lycanthrope.

The atmosphere
Unfriendly would be an understatement: this is the kind of joint where the darts players freeze in mid-throw as soon as a stranger enters the room.

What to order
A pint of bitter. But drink fast, they don't much like your kind round 'ere.

The ten most dangerous movie pubs

Enjoy a bit of aggro with your ale? Try one of these dodgy drinking dens


In Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg’s new movie ‘The World's End’, the titular Olde English boozer turns out to be a pretty risky place – and we don’t just mean the dodgy scampi. They should’ve known better: throughout movie history, the local pub – whether you take that to mean a swanky hotel bar or a seedy redneck dive – has been the site of some truly horrific goings-on. We present a round-the-world tour of 10 movie pubs that even the thirstiest traveller will want to steer clear of.

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