Edward Cullen ‘Manllow’

Twilight’ (2008)

Why on earth?
Because if you can’t snuggle up to the real Robert Pattinson, a weird floppy pillow with his face photocopied on to it is surely the next best thing.

Who’s it for?
The Manllow website pushes its product to ‘all the “Twilight”-crazed, lonely women in the world’. We have to wonder if ownership of a Manllow may in fact be contributing to said loneliness, and not the other way around…

How much is it?
The ‘Manllow’ company appears to be on indefinite hiatus. Perhaps the real R-Patz took umbrage at the thought of being used as an (ahem) nocturnal companion?

The ten weirdest pieces of movie merchandise

Fancy playing safe with a 'Watchmen' condom? Or sucking on a Jar Jar Binks lolly? We track down cinema's most out-there commercial tie-ins


The blockbuster season is upon us, and the shops are stuffed with merchandise for all the big summer movies: ‘Lone Ranger’ Lego, ‘Iron Man’ masks, ‘Monsters University’ onesies... But not all movie merch makes sense. We dug deep and turned up ten of the most peculiar movie tie-in products, from official toys to weird fan memorabilia.

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