The Golan Heights Winery is attributed with being responsible for the country’s wine revolution. In 1983, the wine connoisseurs at Golan brought New World winemaking techniques to Israel and began offering homegrown quality table wines, some of which are now considered the world’s finest wines. Take a wine-tasting tour and visit the oak barrel cellar or else hop into a jeep for a tour of the vineyards themselves to learn about the different grape varieties.
In recent years, Israel has become known for its thriving wine economy, which is most evident in the Golan Heights and Galilee regions where farms and both large scale and boutique vineyards have set up shop. Wine, of course, is nothing without accompanying nibbles, so it's only fitting to find culinary treasures in the area as well – all of which make use of locally grown farm fresh produce. The gems can be difficult to pinpoint as an outsider, however, so we’ve prepared a list of not-to-be-missed restaurants and vineyards in the area.