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  1. In-N-Out (Photograph: Jakob N. Layman)
    Photograph: Jakob N. Layman

    I've never ordered a Double Double or a cheeseburger "animal style" at In-N-Out because I don't eat red meat (and never have). I guess that means I haven't eaten a lot of quintessential LA things: Any of the city's famous burgers, a danger dog, tacos al pastor, carne asada, #19 at Langer's…the list goes on. —Sara Fay, editor

  2. Cinespia at Hollywood Forever (Photograph: Courtesy Cinespia at Hollywood Forever Cemetery)
    Photograph: Courtesy Cinespia at Hollywood Forever Cemetery

    Cinespia at Hollywood Forever Cemetery always tops my list as something I need to do as a born and bred Angeleno. During the summer I've yet to find time (or the right group of friends) to head over for a boozy night of watching old-school movies under the stars. But next Clueless night, I'm there. —Ramona Saviss, managing editor

  3. Disneyland (Photo: Courtesy Disneyland)
    Photo: Courtesy Disneyland

    I've never been to Disneyland. Don't cry for me, Angelenos—I eschewed it for years, imagining Walt as some bigoted, bleed-'em-dry swindler. I once saw an ad for a Disney vacation package that had an image of a smiling father and son in matching Mickey ears, and copy that read "The 'I won't hate you when I'm older' package"—I'm not making this shit up! Talk about evil marketing tactics. But, still, I've had enough (grown adult) friends tout the park's magical qualities that I think it's time to check the place out for myself. But no Mickey ears. —Kate Wertheimer, associate editor

  4. Watts Towers (Photograph: Courtesy Watts Towers)
    Photograph: Courtesy Watts Towers

    Up until two days ago I thought Watts Towers were in Malibu. Turns out they're a relatively short drive down the 110. I'm actually pretty ashamed about this one: I grew up with my dad telling me about the towers and how fucking cool they are. So I was always like, "Yeah, I wanna go!"  But then always just end up going to the Ye Rustic Inn instead. —Jakob Layman, photo editor

  5. Rose Bowl Flea Market (Photograph: Courtesy Rose Bowl)
    Photograph: Courtesy Rose Bowl

    I'm embarrassed to admit, but I still haven't been to the Rose Bowl Flea Market. One of these days I'm going to wake up super early on a Sunday (they open at 5am) and head over there for some vintage treasure hunting. —Ramona Saviss, managing editor

  6. Korean spa (Photograph: Courtesy Wi Spa)
    Photograph: Courtesy Wi Spa

    I've never been to any of the Korean spas in K-town. Not Olympic, or Natura, or Wi—which wouldn't bother me so much, except for the sheer look of disbelief when a native Angeleno finds out I haven't been scrubbed in the buff yet. "But you have to," they all say. "You'll come out with baby-smooth skin." Yeah, but no. I'm going to file this one under "saving it for a rainy day"…and maybe after a couple shots of liquid courage.—Erin Kuschner, associate editor

  7. Museum of Jurassic Technology (Photograph: Courtesy Museum of Jurassic Technology)
    Photograph: Courtesy Museum of Jurassic Technology

    It's really bad that I haven't been there myself, because I recommend the Museum of Jurassic Technology to every single person I know who visits LA. I think I get away with it because when people ask why it's a must-see, I simply reply, "You'll enjoy it more if you know less about it going in." —Sara Fay, editor

  8. Hollywood Bowl (Photograph: Courtesy Hollywood Bowl)
    Photograph: Courtesy Hollywood Bowl

    Every January I excitedly tear through the release of the Hollywood Bowl’s summer schedule, making mental notes of the must-see performances and their on-sale dates, and then… nothing. I’ve never been to the Bowl—I rationalize that I’m simply waiting for the right show—yet I have an increasingly embarrassing pile of missed opportunities: I used to live minutes away, and now I pass it almost everyday on the way to my even-closer office. Surely this summer will be the year, until gridlock or weather or who knows what lame excuse keeps this buried on my to-do list. —Michael Juliano, assistant editor

  9. LA Metro (Photograph: Jakob N. Layman)
    Photograph: Jakob N. Layman

    As a former New Yorker, I'm pretty mortified to admit that I've never ridden the subway here. I don't live near a station, which means riding my bike to the closest stop—in which case, why not just keep riding? The LA Metro is definitely not a viable, citywide public transport system, but I've written it off to essential non-existence, which isn't fair either. There's also some great art and design going on down there, apparently. —Kate Wertheimer, associate editor

  10. Pink's Hot Dogs (Photograph: Courtesy Pink's)
    Photograph: Courtesy Pink's

    I feel ashamed for never having eaten at Pink’s, but not for fear of missing out—I’ve already found my favorite encased meats at the Dog Haus, thankyouverymuch. No, instead it’s for bashing the hundreds of tourists that wait in line each day while I’ve never actually tried a Pink’s chili dog for myself. The family-run stand has been grilling for three quarters of a century, so my child-protesting-broccoli-like behavior is benefiting whom, exactly? It’s time to just suck it up and get in line. —Michael Juliano, assistant editor

  11. Dodger Stadium (Photograph: Courtesy the Los Angeles Dodgers)
    Photograph: Courtesy the Los Angeles Dodgers

    It's true, I've lived in LA for two years and still haven't set foot in Dodger Stadium (I live ten minutes away, too). I was even offered free box tickets to a Dodger-Red Sox game once and turned them down. Apparently it was a big game or something? —Jakob Layman, photo editor

  12. Venice Canals (Photograph: Courtesy Wikimedia Commons)
    Photograph: Courtesy Wikimedia Commons

    When I was a kid, I had this strange obsession with Venice, Italy. I read books about it, wrote stories about it and imagined it to be some ethereal city where everyone seemed to float, regardless of whether or not they were riding a gondola. When I did eventually visit, I thought it was the most magical thing I had ever seen. And yet, after almost three years out here, I've never been to the Venice Canals. True, they're not exactly the same, but who could resist a place where streets turn into rivers and houses sit mere feet away from the water? My 10-year-old self would be ashamed. —Erin Kuschner, associate editor

The most embarrassing things we haven't done in LA (yet)

Time Out editors fess up to the most iconic LA places they've never been to and things they've never done (or eaten). For shame!


We've all got dark secrets. And we've all heard the phrase "Wait, you've never been to…?!" Whether it's the Hollywood Bowl (seriously) or the Rose Bowl, there are tons of quintessential LA attractions that many of us have never seen. Associate editor Kate has never experienced Disneyland (her life is devoid of magic); photo editor Jakob has never attended a Dodgers game (his life is devoid of peanuts and Cracker Jack). There are also rites of passage—braving the subway, braving a Pink's hot dog—that only a minority of Angelenos have conquered. We're admitting our failures and making a pact to check the following things off our list.

We're also pretty sure we're not alone, so we're taking a poll: How many quintessential LA things have you done? Use our LA bucket list checklist to find out, and then you too can resolve to see more of the city this year.

Before you judge, see how many things you can check off on our LA bucket list.
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