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COVID 19 in Penang: What You Need To Know

Stay up to date with the latest coronavirus guidance and developments in Penang and beyond


COVID 19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) has been described as a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation, which means that it has spread across six continents. We are all aware of it, discussing it non-stop and the media is packed with news and information. There’s also a lot of misinformation and we must understand that our first line of defence in a situation like this is having the correct knowledge.

Follow official guidelines, remain calm, practise social distancing and good hygiene, stay home and be aware of what the symptoms are. If we all ‘obey the rules’ collectively for once, this situation will ease with time. For now catch up on all those things you wanted to but never had the time for, binge on those series, overindulge your children, spring clean, keep fit, water your plants, argue with your teens, experiment in the kitchen, work – whatever gets you and the rest of us through this.

What is coronavirus?

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. It was first identified in Wuhan, China and as of April 27th, there are 3,002,887 cases across 209 countries / areas / territories with 207,080 confirmed deaths and recovered 882,482.

Common symptoms include fever, dry cough, fatigue, aches and pains.

Other symptoms include shortness of breath, sore throat.

For more information:

Ministry of Health Malaysia

World Health Organisation (WHO)

How will COVID-19 affect your daily life in Penang?

From now till 31 March, the Government has implemented a Movement Control Order (MCO) for the entire country. comes under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act and the Police Act. The order comprises various components including:

  • No mass movements or gatherings including religious, sports, social and cultural activities. All places of worship and business premises must close except for supermarkets, pharmacies, convenience stores and shops selling everyday necessities.
  • Malaysians who have been abroad are required to undergo a health check and self-quarantine for 14 days.
  • Borders have been closed, and tourists and foreign visitors are restricted from entering. Malaysians will not be able to leave the country until the MCO is lifted.
  • All schools and centres of education – kindergartens, government and private schools, boarding schools, international schools, tahfiz centres, primary / secondary / pre-university institutions, public and private universities – will close.
  • Government and private premises except those involved in essential services and utilities (water, electricity, energy, telecommunications, postal, transportation, oil, banking, health, fire, prison, port, airport, retail, food supply, defence, pharmacy, broadcasting, finance) will shut down.

The reason for the MCO is obvious – stay home, flatten the curve, ease the rapid spread of the virus. If we do not comply and cases keep increasing, the MCO can be extended and a total lockdown implemented.

Stay home, be kind to one another, keep safe and don’t panic buy toilet roll!

Note: The Movement Control Order has been extended till 12 May, 2020.

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