
United Airlines just added nearly 30 international routes to its September schedule

Dare we say it's time for a vacation?

Anna Rahmanan
Written by
Anna Rahmanan
Senior National News Editor
United Airlines
Photograph: Shutterstock

Things are looking up in the world of travel: United Airlines just announced plans to add nearly 30 international routes to its September roster. Even more exciting is the company's stated focus on "vacation markets and leisure travelers." 

Specifically speaking, the carrier will resume flying to Latin America, the Caribbean, Australia and—despite the European Union's ban on American travelers—Europe. In the latter case, expect to be able to fly from Chicago to Amsterdam, from San Francisco to Munich and London and from Houston to Frankfurt and Amsterdam, among others. Airline officials previously explained their decision to resume flights to Europe as a way to meet demand from folks seeking to repatriate.

Domestic flights are also resuming, hoping to accommodate folks looking to visit family members around the country or seeking some respite from lockdown measures by visiting outdoor spaces like national parks. 

Beaches are a big hit as well: Americans will be able to board flights to Hawaii (specifically: Maui, Kona, Hilo and Kauai, for now) and spend time on the state's wonderful shores although they might have to stay inside "resort bubbles" upon landing to meet the state's two-week mandatory quarantine guidelines.

According to Conde Nast Traveler, the upcoming changes will result in the carrier's ability to "fly 37% of its total schedule in September compared to last year—a 4% increase over its August flight schedule." Better than nothing, if you ask us.

Of course, the news hits as all airlines are investing more in safety and sanitary procedures both on their aircrafts and off. Feel free to start dreaming of a vacation—just make sure that dream includes a mask. 

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