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Gay meets geek in 'Gay of Thrones' with Jonathan Van Ness

Written by
Adam Guerino

Game of Thrones is back for a fifth season and, lucky for you,’s Gay of Throne host Jonathan Van Ness provides a weekly recap of the show. Each episode debuts just days after a new Game of Thrones chapter, and you can expect a barrage of hilarious commentary and sassy spoilers. I sat down to talk with Van Ness about the upcoming season of both Gay of Thrones and Game of Thrones.

Are you actually a hairdresser and Game of Thrones fan or is my life a lie?

I am guilty as charged, and you can rest assured your life is not a lie—at least not on my part. I've been doing hair for almost 10 years now and am a major lover of Game of Thrones. Even as time wages on, my love for Game of Thrones grows and grows.

Paint me a picture: How did the show start?

I was doing Erin Gibson's hair. She is a longtime friend, client and creative genius at Funny or Die. A client in the seat next to me a brought up Game of Thrones. I accidentally launch into an impromptu recap not even realizing what I was doing, and Gay of Thrones was born. The rest is history.

The turnaround is incredible. Your recaps come out a day or two after each new episode. What's the process like? Do you get advance copies?

We don't get advance copies. Erin, myself and the incredible team behind Gay of Thrones watch the East Coast feed every Sunday. We sit down and create a general outline of the theme for the recap, and then we do some improv and shoot it after we watch on Sunday. The team edits it and has it ready by Tuesday. They Funny or Die team really is top-notch and incredible.

How has your show changed how you watch Game of Thrones? Do you miss being able to just watch it without worrying about what you'll say on camera?

Because of the great vibe I have with the team, it really has remained just as fun. What I say on camera is really just a very heightened, mouthier version of myself, so it comes quite naturally.

Which Game of Thrones character do you most relate to?

I would say Tyrion. I always felt like kind of an outsider, but I always could give a fierce public display. Plus, we both have incredible hair.

What are you most excited about in season five?

I'm so so excited to see what happens with everyone. I don't want to spoil stuff, but there is a certain Britney-Spears-circa-2007 situation I heard about that sounds extremely promising.

You're from Illinois, right? Are you excited to be coming to Chicago for C2E2

I'm very, very excited for a lil' homecoming action! I love the energy at big gatherings, especially when everyone is obsessed with Game of Thrones. I spent a lot of fun time taking the train from rural downstate Illinois up to Chi-town when I was growing up, so I’m very excited to say hi to all you gorge Chicagoans. Can’t wait to see all your faces. We’re going to have a blast!!

Gay of Thrones season 3 episodes debut on Tuesdays at You can catch Van Ness hosting the cosplay variety show All Geeks: Gay of Thrones (Unofficial C2E2 After Party) on Friday April 24, 10pm at Berlin Nightclub. Click here to purchase tickets.

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