Tram Driver's Orchestra
Zagrebački orkestar ZET-a

Zagreb Tram Driver Orchestra to play across the city

The historic ensemble is set to give several concerts in tram cars and public squares across the capital September 16-27

Written by
Nikolas Pfanner

Tram drivers on Zagreb's public-transport network, ZET, don't just keep people moving, they organise their own band and, several times a year, put on moving concerts in their workplaces. Formed nearly a hundred years ago, they are one of the city's oldest orchestras, with concerts staged since 1927.

A unique example of Zagreb's worker culture, drivers in the iconic blue of their trams travel through the capital with their trumpets, saxophones and woodwind instruments, stopping occasionally to perform at landmarks across the city. 

The concerts are scheduled for September 16, 18, 21, 23 and 27. For more information, including the locations of the performances, check out the event's Facebook page

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