Scoot Bangkok's Backstreets
ExpiqueScoot Bangkok's Backstreets

5 events you should check out this weekend

Arpiwach Supateerawanitt
Written by
Arpiwach Supateerawanitt

2020 is truly something we can't describe in words, but despite how wild the year has been, we have reached the penultimate weekend of September now. Time goes really fast, don't you agree?

Apart from a number of cool art exhibitions springing up this month, we also have a lot more to explore. This week is no exception, as there are both new and ongoing events you should check out. Here's our picks, so let's see what's what.

Scoot Bangkok's Backstreets at Kudi Chin Community; September 26 (14:00 - 17:00); B900

Walking is out, scootering is in! Let's explore Bangkok with a cool scooter ride with Expique and see the city in a whole new experience you may never think you would try.

Scoot Bangkok's Backstreets
Scoot Bangkok's Backstreets Expique


Big Cactus & Succulents Market Fair #3 at MBK Center; September 26 - 27; Free Entry

Shout out to the cactus lovers! This fair will extremely excite you with cactus shops for you to come and shop some back home.

Big Cactus & Succulents Market Fair
Big Cactus & Succulents Market FairBig Cactus & Succulents Market Fair

Kai Dao Comeback Party at Strange Fruit; September 26 (21:00 onwards); B300

Giant party organizer Kai Dao is making a comeback to Bangkok's fun scene with this party on Saturday night. Come prepared to sweat out with complete lights and sound all night long.

Kai Dao Comeback Party
Kai Dao x Strange Fruit


LOV + U Exhibition at Palette Artspace; September 26 - 27; Free Entry

Love is a universal topic in art, but it's never boring to see each artist interprets their own take on this subject. So let's go to this one and see how love is represented in a style of pop art.

LOV + U Exhibition
Tanisorn Vongsoontorn

One Love BKK Festival at Bangrak Riverview; September 26 (16:00 onwards); Tickets start at B600.

Here comes the biggest music festival so far. Taking place on boat and land, the festival will see an exciting line-up of A-listed Thai artists and many fun activities.

Bangrak Riverview
Bangrak Riverview
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