
This crowdsourcing platform is asking you to help locate local convenience stores near you

The latest campaign for a cause that aims to provide support to non-franchised stores in your local area you probably didn't know their existence.

Arpiwach Supateerawanitt
Written by
Arpiwach Supateerawanitt

Back to the time before the emergence of modern, air-conditioned convenience stores fully equipped with all-around services, there used to be local mom-and-pop shops running by locals who actually resided in that area. But like how every capitalist society functions, giant corporations have come into play and started to take over, rendering these small-scale businesses into a thing of the past. Luckily, some still persevere throughout these days.

And thanks to the peeps of Local Shop Near Me, many local convenience stores are getting a new lease of life. Local Shop Near Me is a non-profit project by a team of university students who come together to raise awareness about the domination of capitalist convenience stores, especially during the pandemic when many of these locally-run establishments have been greatly affected.

The campaign is now in its first phase wherein the team is working on locating as many as local convenience stores in Bangkok through a crowdsourcing platform in order to make a virtual map, which is planned to give live in early September. You can take part in shaping up this project by submitting the name and location of a local grocery shop that you know to the list in this link.

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