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5 things to expect when you visit a Korean day spa

Written by
Naomi Lane

The first time I went to a Korean day spa, I had no idea what to expect. I knew the spas in Koreatown were cheaper and less fancy than the ones you find in Beverly Hills or Santa Monica, but the differences certainly did not end there.

It’s an experience every Angeleno must try at least once, but there are a few things you should know before taking the K-spa plunge. I took a jaunt to Olympic Spa, and this is what I learned.

1. Everyone walks around naked. You’ll find no plush robes and fuzzy slippers here. Your nude booty will be hanging out with a gamut of bare-naked ladies of all ages, shapes and pubic hair preferences. Swimsuits aren't allowed. It’s women only, but if you’re freaked out by nudity, this is your official warning: there will be bush.

2. Treatments are performed in the open. Naturally, the saunas and spa baths are communal, but you also receive your body scrubs, facials and massages in the same large, open room where the pools are. There is a partition that sets off your treatment area, but it’s not 100 percent private. It’s all part of the community atmosphere, and no one’s really watching anyway.

3. You’ll have to get past the massage table situation. Sporting a black sports bra and granny panties, my therapist led me to the table for my massage and scrub. The vinyl table glimmered with beads of water, and I realized I was expected to climb aboard, sans sheets. It’s all very clean though.

4. Treatments are vigorous. Korean spas are known for their body scrubs, which Olympic calls the “secret to never aging Asian skin.” My therapist donned an abrasive glove and energetically scoured every inch of my body, sloughing off skin that was dead to me. The massage was similar—forceful and brisk—and my muscles had no choice but to relax.

5. There may be surprises. After my scrub, I was mentally preparing for a massage when, to my surprise, my therapist dumped a bucket of water on my head. She proceeded to wash and condition my hair—certainly not unpleasant, but a wee bit jarring since I hadn’t seen it coming. Unfortunately, I wasn't prepared with  styling tools so I walked out looking like Roseanne Roseannadanna

While it may not have been a tranquil, zen-like experience set to an Enya soundtrack, my skin was glowing and I walked out feeling sufficiently detoxified. If you’re craving a colorful spa day on the cheap, Olympic Spa just may be your jam.

Check out the top Korean spas in K-town

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