
I have this friend Kate (30, straight)

Written by
Kate Wertheimer

Single readers, you're in luck. Each week, Time Out will feature one of our very own smart, sexy, eligible buddies for your potential dating pleasure. No crazies, no creeps, no pressure. Enjoy!

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Kate was recommended by her friend Kelli: "I have this friend, Kate. She is a force. She's a Brown undergrad and UCLA B-school educated, but lives on the canals in Venice and chose a career as a matchmaker. She gets into trouble on weekends but knows how to keep it professional during the week. She's been known to host many a last minute living room dance party, she's the first to sign up a team of friends for a scavenger hunt and is always down for a last minute road trip. She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to ask for it, but is a huge sweetheart underneath it all."

Here's Kate, in her own words:

What’s at the top of your LA bucket list? Hike to the Hollywood sign. How have I not done that yet?

What LA stereotype do you kind of live up to? Burned out New York transplant turned Venice bobo (bourgeois bohemian).

What's your favorite neighborhood? The Venice Canals, where I live. I'm obsessed. It's a small, tight-knit community where everyone knows everyone and really takes care of each other, but is still under the radar. I have friends from LA who have never even seen the canals!

FYF, Burning Man or the LA Phil? FYF. But I'd like a man who would be okay with all three.

Dive bar, cocktail bar or juice bar? Dive bar. Where I might order a martini—with olive juice.

What are three must-have items you'd stash in your earthquake kit (aside from the necessities)? I'm from the East Coast, so earthquakes scare the shit out of me. I'd stash a giant book of crossword puzzles, my vintage Polaroid camera with lots of film and an all-purpose baseball bat.

What fictional LA character would you most like to spend the day with? Phillip Marlowe, the badass private eye in Raymond Chandler novels. I'm sort of a literary nerd. We'd have crazy adventures, and he'd say things like, "Dead men are heavier than broken hearts." Either that or Dylan McKay, because I always fall for the guy in the vintage Porsche. 

Think you and Kate might hit it off? Shoot her an email at (include a photo!) and let the sparks fly.

Still looking? Meet our other sexy single friends.

If you've got a great single friend that should be featured here, send us an email at or nominate them below.

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