
Richard Simmons’s Slimmons Studio is closing

Michael Juliano
Written by
Michael Juliano
Editor, Los Angeles & Western USA

We only wish we could go about our day with a fraction of the enthusiasm that Richard Simmons has about aerobics. But there comes a time in every '70s and '80s workout star's career to hang up the tank top and short shorts. 

Richard Simmons's namesake Slimmons studio in Beverly Hills will be shutting down next month. The studio, which originally opened in 1974, will host its last enthusiastic workout class on November 19, according to TMZ.

Simmons has slipped out of the spotlight in the last couple of years, prompting a swirl of rumors to arise. But the Sweatin' to the Oldies star had long maintained an active presence at Slimmons. He was known to show up to classes in costume—everything from KISS makeup to a glam aerobics version of Black Swan—and brought a wickedly joyous attitude in his wake.

Simmons took to Facebook over the weekend to address news of the closure and had this to say:

Some of you may have heard that Slimmons will close next month. While it is true, it has been an amazing part of my life to teach, meet and support people from all over the world. I want to thank everyone who has come through those studio doors to laugh, cry and sweat with me! Remember to keep sweatin', keep movin' and most importantly go out and Vote! Love Richard xo

It's hard to overstate that shared experience of sweat and tears. After each class that Simmons instructed, there'd be a general stampede to take photos with him, and he'd patiently strike the fiercest pose possible for each and every person.

Slimmons may be closing, but at least we still decades of dance videos to watch.

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