Photograph: Jakob N. Layman

The best exotic dancers in LA

These eight women have pole tricks, pouts and poses to impress even the most seasoned club-goers (which is us, at this point)


We've already brought you the best in full nude, topless and bikini clubs across the city. But if you're really looking to take your strip club game to the next level, it's all about finding favorite dancers. Whatever you're into, there's a dancer in LA who will float your boat (read: dance on your lap). As far as we're concerned—after visiting over thirty clubs across LA and seeing countless performances, pole tricks and customer interactions—these eight beauties are the cream of the exotic dancer crop. Their moves would impress any gymnast, and their wit and verve onstage is unmatched. If you're not already familiar, get to know 'em here, then pay them a visit out there (and don't forget to tip!).

Wondering what it was like to research for this? Read our behind-the-scenes report and see photos here.


Age: 22, Hometown: Riverside, CA

Do you have a day job?
I'm a digital artist. I do video editing on multiple editing software.

What's your dream job?
To work in the film industry, specifically post-production work as a director or video editor. I'm a visual storyteller, far right-brained.

Any etiquette tips for customers?
Tip the dancers even if you're watching from far away. I see the ones who gawk at my performance and just stare the whole time without tipping!

What's something about you that your customers would never guess?
I'm a virgin. Just kidding... but not really! I haven't had any partners. Yep, zero.

What's the most shocking thing you've seen (or done) at work?
Yep, it was that time of the month and my tampon string was hanging out onstage. A fellow dancer informed me of that little mishap. I do so many advanced pole tricks that it's bound to happen, sorry not sorry.

See Roxy perform at Cheetahs, or follow her on Instagram @rischaerisque.


Age: 22, Hometown: Riverside, CA

Do you have a day job?
I'm a digital artist. I do video editing on multiple editing software.

What's your dream job?
To work in the film industry, specifically post-production work as a director or video editor. I'm a visual storyteller, far right-brained.

Any etiquette tips for customers?
Tip the dancers even if you're watching from far away. I see the ones who gawk at my performance and just stare the whole time without tipping!

What's something about you that your customers would never guess?
I'm a virgin. Just kidding... but not really! I haven't had any partners. Yep, zero.

What's the most shocking thing you've seen (or done) at work?
Yep, it was that time of the month and my tampon string was hanging out onstage. A fellow dancer informed me of that little mishap. I do so many advanced pole tricks that it's bound to happen, sorry not sorry.

See Roxy perform at Cheetahs, or follow her on Instagram @rischaerisque.



Age: 22, Hometown: Riverside, CA

Do you have a day job?
I'm a digital artist. I do video editing on multiple editing software.

What's your dream job?
To work in the film industry, specifically post-production work as a director or video editor. I'm a visual storyteller, far right-brained.

Any etiquette tips for customers?
Tip the dancers even if you're watching from far away. I see the ones who gawk at my performance and just stare the whole time without tipping!

What's something about you that your customers would never guess?
I'm a virgin. Just kidding... but not really! I haven't had any partners. Yep, zero.

What's the most shocking thing you've seen (or done) at work?
Yep, it was that time of the month and my tampon string was hanging out onstage. A fellow dancer informed me of that little mishap. I do so many advanced pole tricks that it's bound to happen, sorry not sorry.

See Roxy perform at Cheetahs, or follow her on Instagram @rischaerisque.


Age: 28, Hometown: Philadelphia

What's your dream job?
Pole artist for Cirque du Soleil. Or ninja assassin for hire... whichever happens first.

What's your favorite part about dancing?

What's something about you your customer would never guess?
I speak, read and write Japanese, I have two black belts in both Judo and Aikido and I have an MS in American Criminal Justice and Security.

What's the most shocking thing you've seen (or done) at work?
Most of what I've seen likely wouldn't be believed, and I'm pretty tame by comparison. But when I was 19 dancing in a South Philly club, a customer leaned in while I was bent over onstage and licked my butt cheek. I was surprised and disgusted and instinctively spun around to kick him in the face... with my stiletto-clad foot. I was later fired—it was the only time in my life I've ever been fired.

What's the sexiest place in LA?
Wherever I happen to be. Of course.

See Kitty perform at Star Garden.



Age: 28, Hometown: Philadelphia

What's your dream job?
Pole artist for Cirque du Soleil. Or ninja assassin for hire... whichever happens first.

What's your favorite part about dancing?

What's something about you your customer would never guess?
I speak, read and write Japanese, I have two black belts in both Judo and Aikido and I have an MS in American Criminal Justice and Security.

What's the most shocking thing you've seen (or done) at work?
Most of what I've seen likely wouldn't be believed, and I'm pretty tame by comparison. But when I was 19 dancing in a South Philly club, a customer leaned in while I was bent over onstage and licked my butt cheek. I was surprised and disgusted and instinctively spun around to kick him in the face... with my stiletto-clad foot. I was later fired—it was the only time in my life I've ever been fired.

What's the sexiest place in LA?
Wherever I happen to be. Of course.

See Kitty perform at Star Garden.


Age: 28, Hometown: Philadelphia

What's your dream job?
Pole artist for Cirque du Soleil. Or ninja assassin for hire... whichever happens first.

What's your favorite part about dancing?

What's something about you your customer would never guess?
I speak, read and write Japanese, I have two black belts in both Judo and Aikido and I have an MS in American Criminal Justice and Security.

What's the most shocking thing you've seen (or done) at work?
Most of what I've seen likely wouldn't be believed, and I'm pretty tame by comparison. But when I was 19 dancing in a South Philly club, a customer leaned in while I was bent over onstage and licked my butt cheek. I was surprised and disgusted and instinctively spun around to kick him in the face... with my stiletto-clad foot. I was later fired—it was the only time in my life I've ever been fired.

What's the sexiest place in LA?
Wherever I happen to be. Of course.

See Kitty perform at Star Garden.



Age: "100," Hometown: Portland, OR

What's your dream job?
Owning a strip cub.

What's your favorite part about dancing?
Hanging out with half-naked ladies all night.

What's the worst pickup line you've ever heard at work?
I'm old—I can't hear them or I don't remember!

What's something about you that your customers would never guess?
That I'm old, sober and have one of the most impressive VHS collections ever... okay, also that I'm a hoarder.

What's the sexiest place in LA?
I haven't built it yet!

See Malice perform at Cheetahs.


Age: "100," Hometown: Portland, OR

What's your dream job?
Owning a strip cub.

What's your favorite part about dancing?
Hanging out with half-naked ladies all night.

What's the worst pickup line you've ever heard at work?
I'm old—I can't hear them or I don't remember!

What's something about you that your customers would never guess?
That I'm old, sober and have one of the most impressive VHS collections ever... okay, also that I'm a hoarder.

What's the sexiest place in LA?
I haven't built it yet!

See Malice perform at Cheetahs.



Age: "100," Hometown: Portland, OR

What's your dream job?
Owning a strip cub.

What's your favorite part about dancing?
Hanging out with half-naked ladies all night.

What's the worst pickup line you've ever heard at work?
I'm old—I can't hear them or I don't remember!

What's something about you that your customers would never guess?
That I'm old, sober and have one of the most impressive VHS collections ever... okay, also that I'm a hoarder.

What's the sexiest place in LA?
I haven't built it yet!

See Malice perform at Cheetahs.


Age: 28, Hometown: Harlem, GA

Do you have a day job?

What's your dream job?
Deep sea fisherman.

What's the worst pickup line you've heard at work?
Too many to name. One thing that really annoys me is when people ask what I do when I'm not working, as if I'm going to have some crazy exciting answer. I'm just a normal person who does normal boring stuff.

Have you ever gone home with someone or dated someone you met at work?

What's the most shocking thing you've seen (or done) at work?
I really get a kick out of stupid customers getting up on the stage. Usually they're hammered and do some stupid move and then get kicked out.

See Nico perform at Jumbo's, or follow her on Instagram @kjacksss.



Age: 28, Hometown: Harlem, GA

Do you have a day job?

What's your dream job?
Deep sea fisherman.

What's the worst pickup line you've heard at work?
Too many to name. One thing that really annoys me is when people ask what I do when I'm not working, as if I'm going to have some crazy exciting answer. I'm just a normal person who does normal boring stuff.

Have you ever gone home with someone or dated someone you met at work?

What's the most shocking thing you've seen (or done) at work?
I really get a kick out of stupid customers getting up on the stage. Usually they're hammered and do some stupid move and then get kicked out.

See Nico perform at Jumbo's, or follow her on Instagram @kjacksss.


Age: 28, Hometown: Harlem, GA

Do you have a day job?

What's your dream job?
Deep sea fisherman.

What's the worst pickup line you've heard at work?
Too many to name. One thing that really annoys me is when people ask what I do when I'm not working, as if I'm going to have some crazy exciting answer. I'm just a normal person who does normal boring stuff.

Have you ever gone home with someone or dated someone you met at work?

What's the most shocking thing you've seen (or done) at work?
I really get a kick out of stupid customers getting up on the stage. Usually they're hammered and do some stupid move and then get kicked out.

See Nico perform at Jumbo's, or follow her on Instagram @kjacksss.


Diamondback Annie

Age: 42, Hometown: Sunset, UT

How long have you been dancing?
Since I was 18.

Do you have a day job?
Burlesque is my primary day job. I also frequently work as a music video girl, backup dancer and violinist.

Any etiquette tips for customers?
I don't go to a club unless I can afford to give $2 to $3 to each dancer, so I hope that others would do the same.

Describe your ideal customer.
I love the rowdy people! I do high energy rock and roll numbers, so I like it when the audience can give themselves over to that energy level.

What's the craziest thing you've seen (or done) at work?
On a slow night at the now-defunct Key Club, I decided to stage dive backwards from a point a few feet above people's heads. I guess this was more anxiety-inducing than I anticipated, as I fainted dead away on the way down and woke up crowd-surfing a few minutes later, clear down at the other end of the room.

See Diamondback Annie perform at Star Garden, or follow her on Instagram @diamondbackannie.

Diamondback Annie

Age: 42, Hometown: Sunset, UT

How long have you been dancing?
Since I was 18.

Do you have a day job?
Burlesque is my primary day job. I also frequently work as a music video girl, backup dancer and violinist.

Any etiquette tips for customers?
I don't go to a club unless I can afford to give $2 to $3 to each dancer, so I hope that others would do the same.

Describe your ideal customer.
I love the rowdy people! I do high energy rock and roll numbers, so I like it when the audience can give themselves over to that energy level.

What's the craziest thing you've seen (or done) at work?
On a slow night at the now-defunct Key Club, I decided to stage dive backwards from a point a few feet above people's heads. I guess this was more anxiety-inducing than I anticipated, as I fainted dead away on the way down and woke up crowd-surfing a few minutes later, clear down at the other end of the room.

See Diamondback Annie perform at Star Garden, or follow her on Instagram @diamondbackannie.


Diamondback Annie

Age: 42, Hometown: Sunset, UT

How long have you been dancing?
Since I was 18.

Do you have a day job?
Burlesque is my primary day job. I also frequently work as a music video girl, backup dancer and violinist.

Any etiquette tips for customers?
I don't go to a club unless I can afford to give $2 to $3 to each dancer, so I hope that others would do the same.

Describe your ideal customer.
I love the rowdy people! I do high energy rock and roll numbers, so I like it when the audience can give themselves over to that energy level.

What's the craziest thing you've seen (or done) at work?
On a slow night at the now-defunct Key Club, I decided to stage dive backwards from a point a few feet above people's heads. I guess this was more anxiety-inducing than I anticipated, as I fainted dead away on the way down and woke up crowd-surfing a few minutes later, clear down at the other end of the room.

See Diamondback Annie perform at Star Garden, or follow her on Instagram @diamondbackannie.


Age: 31, Hometown: Seattle

What's your favorite part about dancing?
I get to be a professional sex goddess in a society that's always trying to restrict and police female sexuality. There are not many situations where it's even remotely safe or okay for a woman to solicit money and attention for being a sexual creature. I revel in it.

What's the worst pickup line you've heard at work?
"I'm so good you'll be paying me!"

Any etiquette tips for customers?
Tip or die! Serioulsy though, a polite "no thank you" instead of that "maybe later" crap. If you want to be on point, reject a dancer you're not interested in quickly and politely. Time is money, and we really have no desire to annoy you.

What's something about you that your customers would never guess?
I've been a martial artist for over 25 years. Don't worry though, I usually only hit people who pay me to. If you're good at something never do it for free!

Sexiest place in LA?
As close to me as possible.

See Dixie perform at Cheetahs, or follow her on Instagram @josiethefiend.



Age: 31, Hometown: Seattle

What's your favorite part about dancing?
I get to be a professional sex goddess in a society that's always trying to restrict and police female sexuality. There are not many situations where it's even remotely safe or okay for a woman to solicit money and attention for being a sexual creature. I revel in it.

What's the worst pickup line you've heard at work?
"I'm so good you'll be paying me!"

Any etiquette tips for customers?
Tip or die! Serioulsy though, a polite "no thank you" instead of that "maybe later" crap. If you want to be on point, reject a dancer you're not interested in quickly and politely. Time is money, and we really have no desire to annoy you.

What's something about you that your customers would never guess?
I've been a martial artist for over 25 years. Don't worry though, I usually only hit people who pay me to. If you're good at something never do it for free!

Sexiest place in LA?
As close to me as possible.

See Dixie perform at Cheetahs, or follow her on Instagram @josiethefiend.


Age: 31, Hometown: Seattle

What's your favorite part about dancing?
I get to be a professional sex goddess in a society that's always trying to restrict and police female sexuality. There are not many situations where it's even remotely safe or okay for a woman to solicit money and attention for being a sexual creature. I revel in it.

What's the worst pickup line you've heard at work?
"I'm so good you'll be paying me!"

Any etiquette tips for customers?
Tip or die! Serioulsy though, a polite "no thank you" instead of that "maybe later" crap. If you want to be on point, reject a dancer you're not interested in quickly and politely. Time is money, and we really have no desire to annoy you.

What's something about you that your customers would never guess?
I've been a martial artist for over 25 years. Don't worry though, I usually only hit people who pay me to. If you're good at something never do it for free!

Sexiest place in LA?
As close to me as possible.

See Dixie perform at Cheetahs, or follow her on Instagram @josiethefiend.



Age: 28, Hometown: Saint Augustine, FL

What's your dream job?
Costume designer for theater. In France!

What's your favorite part about dancing?
The self-expression. No matter what mood you're in, getting up onstage and feeling the music always makes you feel a little better. Also the strength I've built is incredible, I never thought I'd be in this kind of shape. I can see my abs!

What's the worst pickup line you've heard at work?
I actually don't hear too many pickup lines. I wish I did, it would make my shifts a bit more interesting.

Any etiquette tips for customers?
Do NOT show me your dick! Also, you can't be a customer at a strip club if you don't have any money, sorry. The club doesn't pay me an hourly rate.

What's something about you that your customers would never guess?
Unfortunately, customers are always surprised when they hear that a dancer has a college degree. Which I do!

See Alabama perform at Jumbo's, or follow her on Instagram @kelseacarin.


Age: 28, Hometown: Saint Augustine, FL

What's your dream job?
Costume designer for theater. In France!

What's your favorite part about dancing?
The self-expression. No matter what mood you're in, getting up onstage and feeling the music always makes you feel a little better. Also the strength I've built is incredible, I never thought I'd be in this kind of shape. I can see my abs!

What's the worst pickup line you've heard at work?
I actually don't hear too many pickup lines. I wish I did, it would make my shifts a bit more interesting.

Any etiquette tips for customers?
Do NOT show me your dick! Also, you can't be a customer at a strip club if you don't have any money, sorry. The club doesn't pay me an hourly rate.

What's something about you that your customers would never guess?
Unfortunately, customers are always surprised when they hear that a dancer has a college degree. Which I do!

See Alabama perform at Jumbo's, or follow her on Instagram @kelseacarin.



Age: 28, Hometown: Saint Augustine, FL

What's your dream job?
Costume designer for theater. In France!

What's your favorite part about dancing?
The self-expression. No matter what mood you're in, getting up onstage and feeling the music always makes you feel a little better. Also the strength I've built is incredible, I never thought I'd be in this kind of shape. I can see my abs!

What's the worst pickup line you've heard at work?
I actually don't hear too many pickup lines. I wish I did, it would make my shifts a bit more interesting.

Any etiquette tips for customers?
Do NOT show me your dick! Also, you can't be a customer at a strip club if you don't have any money, sorry. The club doesn't pay me an hourly rate.

What's something about you that your customers would never guess?
Unfortunately, customers are always surprised when they hear that a dancer has a college degree. Which I do!

See Alabama perform at Jumbo's, or follow her on Instagram @kelseacarin.


Age: 32, Hometown: Vancouver

What's your dream job?
A stripper that actually makes a predictable livable income!

What's the worst pickup line you've heard at work?
The most redundant is when someone asks for my number (always within the first two minutes of conversation). I say "how many guys do you think ask for my number every night? Can you imagine what my life would be like if I gave my number to every guy who came in here and asked?" And their answer, every single time, is "But I'm not like other guys!"

Any etiquette tips for customers?
A dancer's "real name" is none of your business. My real name is the name I just told you.

Describe your ideal customer.
Rich and drunk! Smells good and makes me laugh.

What's the most shocking thing you've seen (or done) at work?
This is a vague answer, but if you can dream it, believe it. Some surreal things happen in the lap dance area, but the dressing room is where the real action is.

See Jinx perform at Star Garden, or follow her on Instagram @missjinxpig.



Age: 32, Hometown: Vancouver

What's your dream job?
A stripper that actually makes a predictable livable income!

What's the worst pickup line you've heard at work?
The most redundant is when someone asks for my number (always within the first two minutes of conversation). I say "how many guys do you think ask for my number every night? Can you imagine what my life would be like if I gave my number to every guy who came in here and asked?" And their answer, every single time, is "But I'm not like other guys!"

Any etiquette tips for customers?
A dancer's "real name" is none of your business. My real name is the name I just told you.

Describe your ideal customer.
Rich and drunk! Smells good and makes me laugh.

What's the most shocking thing you've seen (or done) at work?
This is a vague answer, but if you can dream it, believe it. Some surreal things happen in the lap dance area, but the dressing room is where the real action is.

See Jinx perform at Star Garden, or follow her on Instagram @missjinxpig.


Age: 32, Hometown: Vancouver

What's your dream job?
A stripper that actually makes a predictable livable income!

What's the worst pickup line you've heard at work?
The most redundant is when someone asks for my number (always within the first two minutes of conversation). I say "how many guys do you think ask for my number every night? Can you imagine what my life would be like if I gave my number to every guy who came in here and asked?" And their answer, every single time, is "But I'm not like other guys!"

Any etiquette tips for customers?
A dancer's "real name" is none of your business. My real name is the name I just told you.

Describe your ideal customer.
Rich and drunk! Smells good and makes me laugh.

What's the most shocking thing you've seen (or done) at work?
This is a vague answer, but if you can dream it, believe it. Some surreal things happen in the lap dance area, but the dressing room is where the real action is.

See Jinx perform at Star Garden, or follow her on Instagram @missjinxpig.

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