
Is L.A. still one of the world’s best cities? Help us find out.

Take Time Out’s quick survey to weigh in on the joys of life in the City of Angels.

Michael Juliano
Written by
Michael Juliano
Editor, Los Angeles & Western USA
Griffith Observatory
Photograph: Courtesy Unsplash/Cameron Venti

For the past few years, Time Out has been asking city-dwellers around the world searching questions about their lives. What are they feeling, thinking, eating, drinking and doing for fun? And which are the best cities for living life to the full? We’ve found the answers in the Time Out Index: our huge, anonymous survey of urbanites all over the planet.

Los Angeles has walked away with some laudable accolades as the result of these surveys. In 2019, the Time Out Index found that L.A. was the fifth best city in the world for having it all, and that Angelenos were more likely to dine out than any other city in the country. The Index is also how we’ve discovered that you love Downtown L.A. and Silver Lake but kind of can’t stand Hollywood—oh, and that tacos are the city’s most iconic dish, but we all knew that already, right?

As we shift to the 2021 iteration of the Index, we know it hasn’t exactly been a glorious year for cities and the people who call them home. We’ve looked on through our windows and our screens as all the things that make city life brilliant were put on hold. Restaurants, bars, clubs, live music, theater, art, friendship, dating, even public transit: in all but a handful of countries, it’s all been damaged, dented and, in some places, totally destroyed. But now things are hesitantly looking up, and we need your help as we move toward a brighter future.

This year, we’re once again asking readers to weigh in on what they love about their cities—we need the kind of info that we can only get from locals like you. Take our fun quiz (it takes less than ten minutes) and tell us how things are right now in your city, whether that’s good, bad, locked-down or looking up. You’ll be helping us pinpoint what makes city life great as the world emerges, still a bit wobbly, into what we’re hoping is a bright new era. Ready? We can’t wait to hear from you.

Take the Time Out Index survey here!

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