
After the Undateables: Still in touch

Written by
Dana Varinsky

Each week in our Undateables column, we pair up two lovelorn New Yorkers and send them on a blind date to see if they’re a match. Ever wondered whether any dates turned into something more? So have we. This week, in honor of our singles issue, we’re following up with five former daters to see how things panned out. Next up: Dan and Kelsey tell us about hanging out a second time. 

The date: Dan and Kelsey went out just a few weeks ago, and had a fantastic time. Conversation flowed freely, and they even discovered a close mutual friend. The two decided to go to a second bar to spend more time together, and Kelsey showed up late to her post-date plans. They kissed goodbye the end of the night.

And then:

Dan: “I was quoted in the magazine saying we had a peck and she was quoted saying it was a make out, so we had some fun banter about that. I still hold that it wasn’t a make out, but I’ll go on record saying it was more than a peck. We'd been texting after the date, and she was only around the night I do this Guys in Suits show, so I told her to come. She brought some friends and we hung out with the comics after, then went to another bar. Things are still kind of moving along. We’re still talking. I like her. I had fun with her. I’m mostly insecure that I haven’t acted on it since then and I look like a schlub. I think making it a priority is a problem for me—What’s more important, going to an open mic or hanging out with a girl I think is cute?"

Kelsey: "I went to his comedy show in Alphabet City last week—Thank god he was actually funny! We went out afterwards with his friends, and another comic started hitting on me. So, Dan better make a move or he's going to lose me to another comedian! When we parted ways that night he promised to take me out again without his entourage, but I'm still waiting for that to happen."

Want more Undateables follow-up? Read about a terrible second date, and an awkward run-in.

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