
Find out whether Uber or Lyft is cheaper before your next ride with this site

Written by
Jillian Anthony

Surge pricing is annoying, and with Uber and Lyft so fiercely competing, it's hard to keep track of who has better pricing all the time. If you don't want to flip back and forth between the apps comparing costs, now there's a website that will show you which service is cheaper at that moment—

Just type in the addresses of your starting and ending points, and the website shows you an estimate of prices. This search I just did on a ride from Williamsburg to our offices in Times Square came back with this:

So, in this case, I'd likely want to stick with Lyft for a cheaper ride. The site doesn't seem to be able to show UberPool prices for some reason, but hopefully the site can help you make smarter commute choices on the go!

h/t New York Post

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