
Last night's mostly peaceful protests over Eric Garner decision result in 200 arrests in NYC

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Jillian Anthony

A growing number of protestors took to the streets of New York again last night to show their frustration with the Eric Garner grand jury decision. 200 people were arrested, bringing the total arrest count for two nights of protests to more than 300. Police said three people were charged with felonies, one for reckless endangerment and two for assaulting a police officer.

Though the evening was largely peaceful, the protests grew violent in some areas. Trash cans and metal barriers were thrown at police and police used pepper spray on protestors in at least one incident at E. 57th Street and Madison Avenue, The Wall Street Journal reports. About 5,000 people gathered in Foley Square, shouting, "No justice, no peace, no racist police," according to DNAinfo. 3,000 gathered in Union Square, while others shut down the West Side Highway and the Lincoln Tunnel, inspiring more supporters to join the march as they went. Hundreds peacefully marched from Manhattan to Brooklyn over the Manhattan Bridge, blocking traffic.

UPDATE: Activist group Willing Participant is planning a performance "that will peacefully engage New York City police officers in a dialogue," called "disarm," for Monday evening at 7pm in Times Square.  Meet at the southeast corner of 49th Street and Sixth Avenue if you'd like to check it out.

See some photos from last night below: 

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