
The 20 texts New Yorkers get every Friday night

Written by
Rebecca Fontana
Photograph: Shutterstock
If you live in New York, approximately 74 percent of your incoming texts will be about the subway, with the same messages showing up again and again. On Friday nights especially, we get déjà vu as the notifications start pouring in—intense debates about the best bars to go to, someone’s cancellation at the last minute, late-night texts from that random guy you gave your number to on the subway. If you’ve ever gone out after a long work week, you’ll recognize these (or not, if it was that kind of night).
Get ready.
It’s 7pm, you’re the last one left in the office…and now you have an hour to kill. The regret is already setting set in.
Obviously you need to know what your friends are wearing so you don’t show up in cutoffs when they’re wearing, say, a ball gown. IT COULD HAPPEN.
Pre-gaming was so much more appealing in college when any kind of alcohol was good alcohol.  
The person who says this will be the one forcing you to dance on the bar at 1am.
Blame all the world’s problems on the subway.  
You knew this was coming—there’s always that one friend.
It’s so much fun spending 20 minutes just trying to locate someone.
Seconds after taking the first tequila shot of the night, you get a text from Mom, of course.
And then one from your ex, who has that magical sixth sense for knowing when you’re talking to another guy.
Then, right as you’re about to leave….
Life as a healthy, nutrition-conscious grown-up.
Be honest—would you really go after a friend if they forgot to send this?
When your drunk self leaves surprises for your sober self.
The next morning: The answer is always yes.

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