
The shocking, steamy and sometimes public ways New Yorkers are having sex right now

Written by
Tim Lowery

The results of our annual sex poll are in—and, dang, are you a naughty bunch, New York. For this week’s sex issue, we asked more than 500 locals from all five boroughs to tell us how they do, who their doing it with, where they do it and whole lot more. And the results are pretty entertaining. For instance, a whopping 77 percent of respondents say they have had sex in public, having done the deed in parks, pools and on rooftops, among other spots. More than half of those surveyed this year (53 percent, to be exact) have had sex with a coworker. And Astorians? According to our poll, you’re having more sex than New Yorkers living in other ’hoods. For the full set of results, check out the infographic below—and keep doing your thing, NYC. 

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