
Three reasons Trevor Noah is the best possible choice for The Daily Show

Written by
Nick Leftley

No one wants to see Jon Stewart leave The Daily Show. Under his command, the show has become a TV institution, a comedy icon and, perhaps most important (and frightening) of all, just about the most trustworthy news source on television. But we’ve all known for a while that Stewart is leaving his hosting duties, and the question of who could possibly fill that swivel chair in his absence has loomed large. Now, however, it seems we finally have an answer in the form of 31-year-old South African comic (and Daily Show correspondent) Trevor Noah, and we couldn’t be happier about it. Here’s why.

1. Holy Christ, he’s funny
Let’s get this out the way right at the top—Trevor Noah is one of the funniest comics out there, so forget any concerns you might have about the show losing its comedy spark. Skip to six minutes in on the below video to see his take on trying to learn German by listening to tapes of Hitler’s speeches and you will be converted (uh, to being a fan of Trevor Noah. Not Hitler).

2. He’s smart as hell
Noah’s onstage manner is all charming affability, but there’s a solid core of intelligence beneath it. As well as speaking eight languages, he’s got an enthusiasm for global events and politics that will be vital to his tenure on the show. We’re especially looking forward to his take on politics in this country. “American politics are so much fun to delve into,” he told us when we interviewed him last year. “It's crazy and really complicated, but I enjoy the ludicrous world of it all. I just love your politicians.”

3. He’s got a refreshingly broad worldview
Having grown up with a white father and a black mother in South Africa during apartheid, it’s safe to say that Noah has a pretty informed take on social injustice and inequality, something The Daily Show has always prided itself on tackling. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to get overly heavy. “Laughter is a powerful tool in connecting people, but I've never believed in using comedy to preach about social issues,” he told us. “I believe in sharing your honest opinion about topics and hopefully making people laugh whilst doing so.” In other words, he sounds like the perfect host for The Daily Show

Trevor Noah

Trevor Noah

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