
Watch cute animals re-create classic Christmas movies

Written by
Lauren Rothman

This week, you’ll likely find yourself prone on a couch, patting your ham-and-pie-stuffed stomach and trying to forget aunt Clara’s off-color remark about your same-sex relationship. This, my friend, is the time to flip through basic cable and land upon one of the season’s cheesy, sanity-restoring Christmas movies: a soul-affirming Charlie Brown, say, or the cringe-inducing laughtacular that is A Christmas Story. They say that time heals all wounds, but when you’ve only got a few hours in your parents’ basement, these classic films are a much more expedient curative.

Christmas movies are pretty efficacious and enjoyable all on their own, but they attain next-level awesomeness when the human actors are swapped out for cute, cuddly dogs and cats, as in the adorable video below. Remember Elf’s Will Ferrell shoveling Skittles-sprinkled spaghetti into his maw? Here, he’s replaced by a sweet labradoodle named Samson, and a goofy pug mimics a home-alone Macaulay Culkin stalked by a pair of masked felines. Watch and enjoy. 

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