
See photos and videos of the brand-new Brooklyn Bridge bike lane!

There's a brand-new way to cross the East River.

Will Gleason
Written by
Will Gleason
Content Director, The Americas
Brooklyn Bridge bikes
Photograph: Shutterstock

It may have only been open for less than a week, but the new, long-awaited protected bike lane on the Brooklyn Bridge has been receiving more than its fair share of attention. 

And for good reason! It’s not often that a world-famous landmark gets a significant alteration fundamentally changing how people experience and move across it. (The last time the bridge went through such a major change was when its trolly tracks were removed in 1950! To think all this time we could have been whimsically bouncing over the bridge in a trolley car.)

The new two-way lane, set aside exclusively for bike traffic, is located on the Manhattan-bound side of the bridge. While many are praising the respite the new lane provides from the shared, slated pedestrian pathway nearby, the small size of the lane also means it’s somewhat disarmingly close to nearby car traffic.   

That being said, gone are the days a bridge marriage proposal or classic date night stroll are suddenly interrupted by a random Citi Biker reenacting Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride. Here’s hoping another lane will be installed on the Brooklyn-bound side soon to provide a bit more breathing room for the cyclists. 

Until then, here are some photos and videos of the newest way to cross the East River.

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