
You can now try one of these super realistic ice cream dogs in Little Italy

Will Gleason
Written by
Will Gleason
Content Director, The Americas

Woof! If you’re an animal lover, this is one doggie treat you may have trouble stomaching.

Every year, the San Gennaro Festival in Little Italy fills the neighborhood with lively music and performances, bustling crowds and delectable morsels. But this year, one particular treat has managed to make its way to the front of the pack: A super-realistic doggie ice cream confection from Frozen Ice Cream Shop that you may feel a bit guilty eating.

The edible canine treat first went viral last month when J.C. Co Art Kitchen in Taiwan began churning out the dairy dogs. The pastry chefs there were only able to make 100 of the popular treats each day. They get their shape from a plastic mold and then extra details are applied to make it look like the tiny shar-peis are actually looking at you.

Luckily for those curious to try the dessert, you can now just head down to Little Italy to try one instead of flying all the way to Taiwan. According to Gothamist, they’re currently being sold on the Mulberry Street between Prince and Spring and come both vanilla and strawberry.

Just maybe think twice before bringing your dog.  

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